Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette
1 min readDec 19, 2015


Cross No Cross

Many holler about teaching the cross?
Many teach it like it is what saves you.
I say yes teach the cross and no it will not save you.
The cross is significant for two reasons.
Christ died on it.
Christ did not have to.
Why did He do it?
Because He loves us.
Romans 5:8
John 3:16

These are the only two of countless places the Bible tells us why.
Even Paul tells us that cross is significant.
1 Corinthians 1:17–18
Galatians 6:12–14
and so on
Look it up.
Again I repeat the cross is not what saves.
Not each time it is the cross of who? Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is why the cross is significant.
Christ had to die on that ugly wood torture device to save us.
So yes preach about it, but remember it is not what saves. The blood of Jesus Christ shed on that cross is what saves. Jesus who died on that cross for us is what saves.



Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette

Author, Photographer, Office Manager, Social Media Director, Cat Wrangler and most importantly a Woman of God.