Do You Have Balance?

Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette
4 min readJan 10, 2016
Do you have balance?

I was asked a question how do we keep balanced? The sad truth is many Christians don’t. Some get too busy with work. Some get too busy with good works. Some get too busy hiding troubles and/or emotions and so on…

Others however strive for the perfect balance and achieve it for they realize the truth. There is only one way to achieve balance and that is to allow the HOly Ghost to take over.

Many have trouble with this for they are not taught how. Only one way to do that and that is to have a close, quality relationship with Jesus Christ.

This starts with having daily devotionals.

  1. Prayer
  2. Bible Study (not reading study)
  3. Meditate (on God’s word and quiet yourself to listen to God.)
  4. End in prayer.

After this your day starts. Take Him with you everywhere you go. Do not make a decision until you consult with God.

What God says goes.

Sometime silence means wait or not. Remember this fact.

Some Christians fall into the trap of what will people think. By worrying about what people think we become unbalanced.

To have and keep our balance we need to only concern ourselves with one thing. What does God think. Keep your eyes on the Kingdom of God and balance is maintained. Look at the world and balance is lost.

God or….


These are two good tools for balance.

These are two good tools for life.

With God or ________ and you pick the or you just committed the sin of idolatry. With WWJD remember you are wanting to emulate the Master and Savior.

We just remember Jesus reached out and helped others. Jesus also did not allow Himself to be stretched too thin either. He did not join a ton of church committees or activities. He only reached our as needed not as other assumed He should. This part is especially important for Pastor’s wives. Tradition says this, tradition says that, YUCK!!!! She is to be the wife of the Pastor and mother to his children. This is where her duties stop unless God calls her to do more. Activities and committees are actually optional. Those full on us as members and only within reason We members need rest as well.

Do nothing including good works to the extreme. That is the most important key to balance.

Example 1: I need to lose weight you say. Don’t starve yourself. Don’t go cold turkey on stuff. Why? You will lose your balance and over stuff yourself.

Christians do this with their lives.

Example 2: Bible says I have to take care of my family. So you skip church, and life, and over work. That is a lack of balance. Yes work and take care of your family, but time with family and time with God are important. Time with God is the most important. Time with family the second most important. Time at work is the least important.

No one needs expensive things. Stiving for those things will cause you to lose your balance. You also risk falling into the sin of greed. Yes a nice thing is ok, but strive only for what God considers important. One thing and only one thing is on that list and that is souls.

Now how do we keep our balance?

Matthew 22:37; 6:33

John 21:15–19

So are you doing this?

Lof the Lord God Almighty with all your heart, soul, and mind all others are second, third, etc…

Yes this includes your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, etc…

Seek first the Kingdom of God.

Feed the lambs (the children) and sheep (the rest). This is in a spiritual manner do you reach out as a Christian should and give others a hand up or a introduction to Jesus Christ. Does Jesus show in all you do?

This is the way to get and keep our balance and that is to keep God in the center always.

The Holy Spirit is our balance.

God at the center is our balance.

Jesus Christ being loved with all we have is our balance.

Good works is just a result of our relationship with Christ.

Reaching out is our job and it doesn’t require church committees or activities to do it.

Reaching out can be simple as a smile or as complex as a hand up out of a desperate situation. As meaningful as a prayer with or as useful as soup kitchen or a food bank. Ask God to be your balance and let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Let Jesus Christ shine through you. Don’t let humans tickle your ears and guilt you into things for even those or rather especially those i your church. Do only what God personally asks you to do or boom lost your balance. Remember we get to Heaven through grace not through works. Works are only able to exist because of grace or we would only have selfish make me look good like some members of the churches we all go to. Yes every church has members like that.

So how do we keep our balance.

By doing as God commands us to to.

By not over stretching ourselves.

By focusing on souls not works.

By remembering salvation is by grace not works.

By remembering only what God thinks is important not what people think.

By loving God with all you have.

By putting Jesus first.

By letting the Holy Ghost be your guide.

This is how you keep your balance.

Matthew 6:33



Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette

Author, Photographer, Office Manager, Social Media Director, Cat Wrangler and most importantly a Woman of God.