Mushroom or Redwood?

Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette
4 min readJan 22, 2016

Mushroom — edible ones or to quote Elton Brown are Good Eats. Non-edible ones are fertilizer.

Redwood trees center of an entire ecosystem.

Which would you want to be? I am sure you would probably answer Redwood. Here is the catch to that question. I am not asking some trivial worldly question. This question is in reference to your spiritual life.

Mushrooms sprout up overnight here today gone tomorrow kind of thing.

Redwood trees take centuries to reach their full grandeur.

Christians often try to take the mushroom route. “This spiritual gift, experience, etc will take me to the next level of my spiritual growth.” No it doesn’t. Spiritual experiences are usually the devil’s deception. Gifts however are mere tools for us to use on behalf of our Master. These things have nothing to do with spiritual growth. Only three things are part of spiritual growth.



Bible Study

Meditation — quiet yourself so God can talk

Prayer bringing yourself to God to talk to Him. (combine the two and the communion is wonderful.)

Bible Study — Strengthen our walk as it helps us to understand what is expected of us and so much more. The so much more the Holy Spirit will reveal over time as He also does the what is expected.

Most can figure out meditation as there are so many culture with so many ways to do it. Remove the noise and boom you got it. No bells, music, montras, etc… and then God can talk to you.

Prayer most have figured out it is humbling yourself before God and then talking. Eitehr for self or for others or for both.Self is both asking for things and thanking Him. Saome as others asking for things and thanking Him.

Let’s go more deeply into this last part.

How do we go about Bible Study. It is more than just reading Scripture and hoping something pops out.

Studying it through. Treat it like a spiritual text book.

2 Timothy 2:15

Then pray and have the Lord write it into your life and onto your heart.

Then work it into your life. A good way to go about this is to understand the time it has written as we have changed or given term to some things.


Fornication what does it mean? Sex outside of marriage.

Romans 1:26–28

We have given this the name of homosexuality.

Both of these by the way are sin.

Once it is fully understood. What I should say is once the Holy Spirit shows you what he want to show you at the time is fully understood apply to present day life.

Pass it on.

Luke 8:15

Pass on what you have learned. Don’t let some stupid law stop you either. Only God has the right to tell us what to teach and not to teach.

What do you want to be a mushroom or a redwood.

Good Eats or Center of an Ecosystem.

Your Choice

Think About It

Pray About It

Meditate On It.


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. John 14:6–7 (KJV) Understand? I love to take pictures and write. I am also the mother of a beautiful, hissy, fussy, demanding, bite me kitty named Maddie. The favorite of my earthly blessings. She is also quite loving to her mommy and quite portable. She was moved from Texas where she was raised from 7 weeks old to Kentucky at the age of five. But that is too long of a story for a profile. :-) What about you? Always looking for fellow Christians to fellowship, pray with, and grow in the Lord with. I also love doing social networking for a jewelry company names High Point Crafters. We really do mean the cat made us do it. Check out Mcddor-Pics for proof. Mcddor-Pics is where I show my passion and the cats of High Point Crafters is one of my passions. I have shown my on Mcddor-Pics since 1996.

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Originally published at on January 22, 2016.



Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette

Author, Photographer, Office Manager, Social Media Director, Cat Wrangler and most importantly a Woman of God.