
Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette
2 min readDec 13, 2015

What know you not?
Know you not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit that seals us, guides us, communicates for us, comforts us, and connects us with Jesus?

1 Corinthians 6:19

We move back in the 1 Corinthians we also find that our bodies are the members of Christ.

1 Corinthians 6:15

So am I saying not to do things? Yes do not do anything with or in your body that will defile it.

example: Fornication
That is the example used in this portion of the chapter. What is fornication?

Sex outside of marriage and lustful thoughts of another person. This chapter also gives a list of other sins that defile the body.

Such as
Abusers of selves with mankind

What would these be?

Idolatry — Put anything before God.
Adultery — 1. Having an affair while married. 2. Divorcing and remarrying someone other than the one you originally married while they are alive. 3. Lustful thought of a person you are not married to.
Effeminate — Unmanly
Example: Crossdressing and not being a cartoon rabbit.
Abusers of selves with mankind — Masterbation, homosexuality, cutting, beastiality
Theft — to steal anything, such as, objects, credit, etc…
Coveting — desiring strongly the things another has. Example: Oh man I wish I had a car like so and so has.
Extorting — oppression, oppressing others for your own gain
Example: Slumlords, school bully, mobsters, gangs, etc…

These things do not bring glory to God so these things should not be done in the temple of God. Holy Ground may be considered a church, but our bodies are also holy ground as they are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

So ask yourself and take it to God about things you do to defile your body.

How are you honoring the temple. How are you dishonoring the temple?



Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette

Author, Photographer, Office Manager, Social Media Director, Cat Wrangler and most importantly a Woman of God.