
How are our teens and tweens so screwed up today?

Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette
3 min readJan 2, 2016


Let’s look back at the past generations and what you have been taught is right.

Pluralism — Ridiculing the absolute truth of God’s Word

Multiculturalism — Worshipping other gods Exodus 20:3

Alternative Lifestyle — Supporting perversion Romans 1:24–32

Lottery — Exploitation of the poor

Self-Preservation — Neglect the needy James 1:27

Welfare — Rewarding laziness 1 Thessalonians 2:11

Pro-Choice — Murdering children Romans 13:9; Mark 9:38–42; Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17

Justice — Shooting abortionists Romans 13:9; Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17

Building Self-Esteem — Not disciplining the children. Proverbs 19:19; 13:24; 22:15; 23:13–14; 29:15

Political savvy — Abuse of power

Ambition — Covetousness Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21; Romans 7:7; 13:9

Freedom of expression — Freedom of verbal and visual pollution James 3:1–12

Enlightenment — Ridiculing our forefather time honored values.

We have all of this going on and we wonder why your kids are skrewed up.

All of the above is just plain wrong and against God’s Word.

We are even teaching them that being greedy on Jesus Christ’s birthday and removing Jesus from his own birthday.

How would you feel on your birthday if everyone gave presents to each other and you got none?

We do this to Christ every Christmas and even go so far as to remove Him by calling it X-mas.

We call it not wanting to offend others.

Guess what Christ offends others because they want their sin and He tells us to sin not. They want greed, lust, drunkenness, etc… they turned Christmas into that. Will you continue to follow in these footsteps. The footsteps of those going to Hell because they are haters of God as shown in their actions. Actions such as murdering children, perversion, lack of discipline, full of self, etc…

When you should be following in the footsteps of the Apostles who followed in the footsteps of Christ.

Isaiah 5:20

This is what the world today is doing. God will punish them. If not on this side of death on the other side of death. Do you want to be one of them? Do you want those in school with you to be one of them? Your parents, grandparents, relatives, friends? To be one of those that are haters of God whether they realize it or not?

If you are living for Christ you are an offence anyways. People don’t want someone around telling or showing them what they are doing is wrong. Deep down inside in a part they do not want to admit to they know you’re right. Your values, focus, and applications of Biblical truths are an affront to them. They anger and annoy them.

2 Timothy 3:12

But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Do things for them such as if your good in Math, English, etc… offer to help one that is struggling. Ignore the social order in your school and help someone who needs it. Befriend the outcast if need be lead those you reach out to the top of the social order to the bottom to Christ. Help your parents in the home even if all you are capable of doing is taking out the trash. It is a start.

Remember our Master reached out to those in need. We all no matter our age need to do the same.

Romans 12:2 — Our Marching Orders



Dorothy McDonald
Mcddor-Pics Gazette

Author, Photographer, Office Manager, Social Media Director, Cat Wrangler and most importantly a Woman of God.