Women supporting women

Global Technology
McDonald’s Technical Blog
4 min readApr 25, 2023

McDonald’s Global Women in Technology internal group provides female Global Technology employees with an outlet for mentorship, networking, and growth opportunities.

by Danielle Habegger, Specialist, Strategic Alignment & Communications

As a Director of Cybersecurity at McDonald’s, Ebony Love spends her days driving secure platforms and protecting the brand from harm. Ebony is a leader in McDonald’s Global Technology organization and inspires her team every day to keep systems up and secure.

Leading a Cybersecurity team is a huge responsibility, and a role Ebony worked hard to achieve.

What’s the secret to Ebony’s career momentum?

According to her, prioritizing time for personal development, mentorship, and networking. And she does this through her active participation in McDonald’s Global Women in Technology (GWIT) group.

GWIT has supported Ebony on her journey to becoming a director since she joined the company five years ago as a contractor.

“When you don’t know who to turn to, you can always reach out to the GWIT community, and you will be seen and heard,” Ebony says. “GWIT allows us the opportunity to contribute to other women’s growth, which has been an incredible experience to be a part of.”

What is GWIT?
McDonald’s GWIT is an internal employee group created to connect women who share a common interest in technology and provide an outlet for mentorship, networking, and growth opportunities. Founded as a small networking group in Canada, GWIT has grown to over 650 members across McDonald’s global markets. The community is employee-led and volunteer-driven to support an inclusive workplace for all women in technology.

The group is dedicated to ensuring women in technology across the company have an outlet where they can learn from their peers and female technology leaders.

GWIT offers several activities and initiatives, including a speaker series, featuring a monthly virtual interview highlighting female technology leaders, and a Male Allies initiative, which encourages men to advocate for their female peers.

Uplifting women in technology
One of GWIT’s key initiatives is its Growth Circle program.

Open to anyone in McDonald’s Global Technology function (not just GWIT members), Growth Circles comprise eight to ten women from across the organization. They encourage personal growth and help members expand their networks.

According to GWIT Co-Leader Vanessa Clemons, Growth Circles help members connect with women outside of their own work group.

“GWIT Growth Circles are not only a fantastic support network to promote an inclusive and empowering environment, but they also are designed to help in career advancement with professional development topics,” she says.

Each month, a Growth Circle member leads a session on a topic in which they have an interest or expertise, providing members a forum to discuss challenging topics, from imposter syndrome to salary negotiation, without judgement.

“Growth Circles allow us the opportunity to ask anything, whether it be about career development or personal growth, your group is there to listen to you and learn from you,” Ebony says.

Growth Circles also foster an environment of mentorship for women at all levels in Global Technology.

“We are all mentors to each other. Everyone within the Growth Circle group is there to support one another — regardless of their level,” Ebony says. “Mentoring allows us to learn about different areas of the business or new opportunities we may never have known about otherwise.”

Prioritizing development
“You have to protect your time for personal development,” Ebony says. “This is why employee-led networks matter. To do our jobs, we have to recognize we are people first.”

While GWIT participation does require a time commitment, Ebony believes that it has been a necessary commitment for her personal growth journey.

“Having that time to step away from your day job and reflect on how you are feeling is crucial,” she says. “At the beginning of each Growth Circle session, we use one word to describe how we are feeling. You might start off the meeting feeling overwhelmed, and by the end, you feel confident.”

Beyond the Circle
Outside of the Growth Circles, women in the GWIT community continue to uplift and support each other.

“My biggest takeaways from GWIT are the relationships I have established that have continued to develop beyond the Growth Circle,” she says.

GWIT’s impact at McDonald’s is not going unnoticed. Last year, the company recognized GWIT’s efforts, awarding the group the 2021 Global Technology Team Award, which recognizes exceptional teams who have exceeded expectations and achieved measurable goals that contribute to the business.

