McFly Chapters on Colony

Hello McFlyers!

Nik McFly
5 min readJan 24, 2018


I’d like to introduce you our next steps to grow and transform McFly community. I’ll tell you what’s the philosophy, how it works and how you can participate.

Hail the token, now it’s easier to start and support meaningful and global projects. The token is not always a coin, and more importantly token is a new definition of relations between people and projects, so the little piece of technology reshapes the relations.

Normally, a community is defined as a group of people collaborating on the shared goals without a direct financial incentive. Not just a Telegram group chat as some blockchain projects think.

There are also bounty programs to engage a community and complete tasks like in open-source software projects to help startups thrive faster. However, ordinary bounty rewards are a bit narrow-minded, i.e. consist of only a few cases with strict rules and end right after the token launch is finished.

Now imagine that we strive to build an innovative transportation business globally. We want to improve the world collectively by making flying cars an everyday thing — the sooner, the better. That’s not possible without a like-minded network of entrepreneurs. And that goal leads us to the thing we call McFly Chapters.

McFly Chapters is a way to leverage bounty philosophy. We engage and reward people with McFly tokens worldwide to build in the cities. Not just like and share our posts or translate texts, but develop meaningful local connections and increase the value of MFL token together.

How Chapters works

We’ve started to think about it last summer while calculating token distribution proportions. 5% goes to Bounty. However, this 5% divide into two parts: 2% is for the common bitcointalk bounty program and 3% of tokens is for the McFly Chapters.

McFly Chapters will last at least for 12 months after we finish our Token Launch Phase 1.2. During this period there is a chance to participate and earn McFly tokens for the wide variety of tasks.

Our core community members made 62 sample tasks in Trello to designate directions and topics we see as potential fields to grow

Every task was evaluated and mark with a number of tokens we offer for the completing of the task.

The smallest reward is 100 MFL for such tasks as 1) make McFly selfie, 2) find McFly roof 3) start page; and few others. The largest reward is 100 000 MFL for the Establishment of the McFly Legal Entity. There are also more than 50 tasks with a reward of 200–45000 MFL tokens.

Take a look at the Trello’s screenshot:

So there’s a Trello board with tasks and rewards. How we can start working on it with a dozen of people and the plan to grow it to the hundreds or even thousands of people without a struggle of rewarding management in tokens?

Not really a Trello use-case.

Chapters on Colony

We decided to use I’ve been personally waiting for the Colony release since the end of 2015. It’s a great and promising tool for the open collaboration of the people distributed across the globe. A platform for open organizations.

In short, it’s a Trello + tokens powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Every created colony can issue their token, make boards and tasks with rewards. Invited people are being assigned to the task then, complete it and get their token after the validation by administrators.

Tokens inside the Colony can represent anything we want. Surely, our Colony token (Ŧ) equals to the McFly token:

1 Ŧ = 1 MFL

Organizational Structure

Our workflow is very experimental. We’ve come up with this structure for the boards to start:

Moscow (LA, Nairobi, Tokyo, etc.) — boards for each city we have at least one local McFly activist. Use Meta board to add new tasks to your city board. More community members, more boards to come.

Coordination — board for the admins of the Colony. Admins are the core community members that can make, assign tasks and reward people. The number of admins will be growing by admitting the most active community members.

Consortium — board for companies. Consortium members (people and companies) can also earn McFly tokens for their commitment.

McFly Chapters Meta board on Colony

How to earn McFly tokens

  1. Join Telegram Chat
  2. Fill the form

We will contact you within 24 hours to arrange the call and invite you to the board.

And you will be able to help gain altitude step-by-step:

  1. Go to the Meta board and ask for a task you would like to undertake on the local city board.
  2. Complete the assigned task, upload the proof to validate it.
  3. Get your reward.
  4. Ask for the next task or suggest a brand new one.

What you get

Being involved in McFly Chapters, you can get McFly tokens and even more. Think about it:

Become an expert and grow with the industry. You can be an expert in at least 3 fields — flying cars (eVTOLs), blockchain and smart cities.

Enhance your social influence and contacts, including the high-rank individuals. You are very welcome in almost any place if you tell about taking part in the project of flying cars powered by blockchain.

Start your own startup, become an entrepreneur in a completely new and fast-growing market of new means of passenger transport.

Open new directions for manufacturers of hardware/software for the blockchain-powered IOT for the urban air taxi infrastructure.

Just Fly.

Join us!

Nikolay Bezhko

Community builder @

