ERC-721開発者 Entriken氏へのインタビュー!
・ What led to the creation of ERC-721?
・ What do you think of the current usage of ERC-721?
・ How do you want dev/users to use ERC-721 in the future? What do you think is most interesting about using ERC-721?
・ What are you thinking of next when you announce a new standard?
ERC-721開発者, Entriken氏に聞いてみた!
Q:What led to the creation of ERC-721?
A:At the beginning, in 2017, ERC-721 was created by the CryptoKitties team (then Axiom Zen, now Dapper Labs) to compliment their flagship product. The collectable, breedable cat game would be wildly popular and in fact the largest application on Ethereum. Standardizing this collectability part would allow the CryptoKitties product to interface with an ecosystem of related products for collecting, trading and selling digital assets.
ERC-721は2017年、CryptoKitties チーム(現在のDapper Labs)がフラグシッププロダクトをつくり上げるために開発されました。収集可能で、育成可能なKittyは幅広く人気になるだろうと考えましたし、実際にEthereumのアプリケーションの中で最大規模のものになりました。この収集可能性を仕様化することにより、CryptoKittiesの集めて、トレードして、売買するというエコシステムが生まれました。
I saw the opportunity for usage much further outside of collectables on the Ethereum blockchain and I got involved shortly after because I saw that progress had stalled on passing the standard. This is understandable because CryptoKitties was very profitable and the team had other work to attend to! I had become lead author and we passed the ERC-721 standard on the basis that it would be used for digital collectables, physical asset tracking and many more use cases.
Q: What do you think of the current usage of ERC-721?
A:I am very impressed how far this has come in just over one year. Already we have seen adoption by a national post office, a major lead sports league, a big four accounting firm, and a storage service for collectable wine. I am always impressed by commerce — people solving real problems and making money — so I have to list those examples first. But the community is very strong and I know of more applications coming that are larger: other sports products, pharmaceuticals supply chain and royalty payments. Overall I am very impressed by these enterprise use cases and surprisingly they are moving faster than hobbyist and artist use cases!
Q: How do you want dev/users to use ERC-721 in the future? What do you think is most interesting about using ERC-721?
A:For the future, I am interested as a consumer to see product traceability and verification. My brief look into this world of supply chain, pharmaceuticals and royalty payments shows how large the market is for pirated goods. It really has been a learning experience for me. Fraud is allergic to blockchain, and we can make progress towards verifying authenticity of goods on a large scale.
And most surprisingly, games, the types of games that existed before blockchain, have been the slowest adopters. I have spoken with people at or from AAA game studios and they are interested to connect in-game economies to ERC-721. This is an obvious use case today when all games are becoming free to buy and have in-app purchases. But I understand this is because AAA games have long lead times and I want to see these publish in due time.
For 2020, the most interesting thing about ERC-721 will be iOS and console games that connect in-game economies to blockchain.そしてもっとも驚きなことに、ブロックチェーンの前から存在するゲームへの適合が最も遅い、と感じています。私は超有名ゲーム制作会社で働いている、もしくはそこ出身者の人たちと話してきました。やはり彼らはインゲームの経済にERC-721を使用することに興味を持ちましたが、まだまだ実際に取り入れられるのは先になりそうだと感じました。しかし個人的に2020年において登場すると一番興味深いと思うものは、インゲーム経済にブロックチェーンが使われている既存のiOSやコンソールのゲームだと思います。
Q:What are you thinking of next when you announce a new standard?
A:The next standard landed! It is AIP-040 on the Aion blockchain. This is very similar to ERC-721 and incorporates lessons I learn from the past year.
Honestly, I think standards development is overrated. There are about 20–30 projects deployed on the entire Ethereum blockchain worth talking about. But the ERC number is almost up to 2000. I will be the first person to tell you that complying with ERC-721 is the last thing your project needs to worry about. For game publishers, of course your first responsibility is to make a great game, with great playability and a great strategy for in-app economies and I’m here to help!
実は、すでに新しい仕様を開発しました!それはAion blockchain上に作った、AIP-040という規格です。この規格は非常にERC-721と類似しておりが、私がこの一年で学んだことを元に新たな要素も組み込んでいます。
正直に言えば、私は仕様の規格化に関して過大評価されていると感じています。Ethereum blockchain上で語るに値するプロジェクトは20~30と言ったところだと思いますが、それに対してERC規格はなんとおよそ2000ほどあります。その点、ERC-721に準拠するのはリスクもあると言えます。もちろん、ブロックチェーン”ゲーム”開発者として、素晴らしいゲームを作ることが最優先事項だと思いますが、それにはゲーム内の経済性は必要不可欠だと思います。何かあればぜひお手伝いさせてくださいね。
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