Plasm Network/ Shiden Network Announces Partnership with, the largest NFT content creator in Japan

*This is quoted from the press release from Stake Technologies.

Stake Technologies, one of the core companies behind Plasm Network and Shiden Network, announces partnership with, the largest NFT content creator in Japan. This partnership will expand the ecosystem of Plasm and Shiden by introducing NFTs.

■The reasons for this partnership

・Why Plasm Network/ Shiden Network

While many new blockchains are emerging, Polkadot and Kusama projects that focus on interoperability between blockchains attract a lot of attention and expectations.
For Polkadot and Kusama to support NFTs and other smart contracts, they require a parachain(*) that offers smart contract functionality, such as Plasm Network/Shiden Network (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Plasm”). Since Plasm supports multiple VMs, including EVM, it is compatible with projects with prior experience developing on Ethereum. By teaming up with Plasm, will be able to enter the Polkadot ecosystem with less learning cost.

*Parachain is a blockchain that connects to Polkadot and Kusama and handles various processes.

Plasm Network is a parachain candidate for Polkadot, and Shiden Network is a parachain candidate for Kusama. There are a limited number of parachain slots. To win these slots, we need to win the parachain auction. For more information on the auction and other details, please see our article.


NFT is one of the main use cases for blockchain. Japan in particular, has several globally renowned IPs and a strong gaming and animation culture which attracts a lot of attention both domestically and internationally. By partnering and collaborating with, a company with a world-class track record and experience in the NFT space, including partnerships with major IP and game companies. With their development of blockchain (NFT) games that have ranked first in the world in terms of DAU and transaction volume, Plasm will deliver high-quality NFT content to the Plasm ecosystem.

・dApps Reward

Plasm has an original mechanism called dApps Reward, which shares half the block reward to dApps developers. The existence of dApps rewards makes it possible to co-create content in a way that incentivizes both parties. dApps rewards were also a determining factor in’s decision to use Plasm.

When users (dApps nominators) stake native tokens(PLM or SDN) in’s smart contracts, both and the dApps nominators will receive a portion of the block reward. For more information, please see here.

■For the sustainability and Plasm have been working together on various initiatives to address and tackle environmental issues surrounding the use of blockchains. is committed to reducing dependency on Proof of Work (PoW) to achieve sustainability in the NFT space, and this partnership illustrates this commitment. Unlike Ethereum and Bitcoin that currently still uses PoW, Plasm and Polkadot use a Proof of Stake (PoS) method called NPoS (Nominated Proof of Stake). NPoS is a direct economic incentive to maintain the network, rather than protecting it through the cost of electricity, and consumes far less energy than current Ethereum or Bitcoin.

Plasm is also working towards a carbon-neutral and carbon-negative future by partnering with data centers that only use renewable energy.

■ What you can expect in the future will deploy a variety of NFT content on the Plasm Network and the Shiden Network. Moreover, by leveraging on the scaling solutions and cross-chain bridges supported by Plasm, will accelerate its multi-chain adoption, UX improvement, and global expansion.

Once Shiden Network acquires the Kusama Parachain slot, game projects participating in the blockchain game development support service “MCH+” operated by will be able to use Shiden Network. Implementation has already been deployed on the testnet. In addition, scheduled to start validator operations for the Plasm Network and Shiden Network.

■About inc. was established on April 3, 2018 as a development company specializing in NFT and blockchain games. We developed popular blockchain-games such as “My Crypto Heroes” and “BRAVE FRONTIER HEROES”, and provides the blockchain game development support service “MCH+” and the NFT business support service “NFTPLUS”.

■ About Plasm Network and Shiden Network

Plasm Network is a multi-chain dApps hub on Polkadot that supports Ethereum and layer 2 solutions like ZK Rollups. Plasm aims to be a multi-chain smart contract platform that will support multiple blockchains and virtual machines like EVM and WASM. Shiden Network is the canary network of Plasm Network. Shiden will connect to Kusama.


