MCH+ title will adopt “Polygon (previously Matic)’’ through Asset Mirroring System!

We announce that we will adopt “Polygon” as the first case of AMS!

■ Blockchain game titles

Here’s the blockchain game titles that will adopt Polygon.

・My Crypto Heroes

■ Why we adopt

From 2020, transaction fee on Ethereum is increasing with the rise of DeFi products, and the liquidity of blockchain game NFT is decreasing.

After Polygon adoption, each blockchain game user can transfer to not only Ethereum, but also Polygon.
Then, it helps to go up the liquidity of blockchain game NFT with the low transaction fee on Polygon.

■ About AMS(Asset Mirroring System)

The Asset Mirroring System (MCH+AMS) is the MCH+ service that helps MCH+ partners with their multi-chain deployments and provides a unified way to capture and use asset information. We plan to adopt second layer technology in the future.

Many of today’s blockchain games use a “Hybrid Type” that combines off-chain and on-chain. The Hybrid Type has the advantage of significantly reducing transaction fees. On the other hand, assets used off-chain could not be listed/bought in the on-chain ecosystem, especially on NFT exchanges. MCH+AMS allows you to integrate with external services for like on-chain use. For example, the NFT exchange will allow you to sell/buy in any currency, with a reduced transaction fee for asset transfers.

MCH+AMS complies with the Oct-Pass API spec, an API specification for handling NFTs, which we are participating in, and allows MCH+ partners to use Oct-Pass for NFT interoperability at low cost.


■ About Polygon

Polygon is the first well-structured, easy-to-use platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building and connecting Secured Chains like Plasma, Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, Validium etc and Standalone Chains like Matic POS, designed for flexibility and independence.

Polygon’s Layer 2 Chains have seen widespread adoption with 90+ Dapps, ~7M txns and ~200K unique users.

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■ To the blockchain game developers

MCH+ will continue to provide a variety of functions and services to MCH+ partners so that title developers can focus on the fun part of game development, such as the implementation of the integration with external services.

We have already provided and supported a variety of features and services, including MCH+Tx.

If you are interested in participating in MCH+, please apply using the form below.

*The content is subject to be changed.


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