Life After Mac: Real Stories of alumni finding their way—Arya

McMaster Alumni
McMaster Alumni
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2024

I am an International medical postgraduate. While going through the challenging journey of postpartum, I wanted to make it productive. In my search for a suitable program for both myself and my child, I was delighted to discover McMaster University with lots of flexible learning options, which seamlessly blend quality with convenience.

This experience was yet another adventure with my baby, filled with sleepless nights, assignments, and conference calls. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been mentored by highly knowledgeable and seasoned instructors.

Upon completion of the program, I must commend the instructors for their unwavering support and open lines of communication, always ready to guide and assist whenever needed. I am truly grateful for this enriching experience.

In my search of research positions, I encountered numerous rejections due to the intense competition in this field. However, after a few months, I successfully obtained a position as a Research Assistant in the Vision Science department at the University of Waterloo.

I am very happy to be an alumnus of McMaster University. I have only one piece of advice: create your own path of success, be consistent and determined in your passion, and you will find success!

Arya Mohan

Applied Clinical Research (Continuing Education) ‘23


The Office of Alumni Engagement will be featuring recent grad’s career stories to show career paths are anything but linear. If you graduated in the last 10 years and are interested, share your story.

If you are looking to get started on your own journey, take advantage of the resources available to recent graduates through our partnership with the Student Success Centre.

