Life After Mac: Real stories of alumni finding their way — Chris

McMaster Alumni
McMaster Alumni
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2019

Everyone in first year always asks themselves the million dollar question, that weighs so heavy on their heart “is this the right path in my life and or am I wasting my time?”

If you’re reading my article, you are either a first year student and overwhelmed and or perhaps an undergraduate somewhat comfortable with your studies but stressing out with the awareness of what lies ahead in the real world of employment. Well here’s my story and I have been in both uncomfortable situations. I have asked myself the daunting question over and over throughout my years at McMaster. What lead me to choose my career path in vocation was my gifting in practiced skill of negotiating. This craft was honed at a very young age of four. My goal was getting out of eating awful suppers; and to my amusement it worked every time. It was a no-brainer to follow my leading into McMaster University Honors Communication Studies; after all I was a direct shoe in for the Varsity Swim Team McMaster Marauders. The question however, now diverted to how was I going to wrangle all these new studies, plus swimming and most importantly scope out the campus social life. Looking back now, I can say with conviction that these words summed up my life at McMaster: focus, determination and hard… very hard work. Was it worth it: absolutely, because I couldn’t have picked a better career path than Communications. The whole world was open to me for opportunity. Life is nothing but building blocks spearheaded through negotiations for a win/win path. Success will not happen on its own. It takes the right person of influence in place who is an advocate in stature and committed to everything they do. And for this you need a degree in communications. What I found very intriguing about building a career in Communication studies was that it offered a broad spectrum of communication concepts and theories that are totally relatable to real life experiences.

Throughout my studies, I have had a very eventful life where my road lead to a summer job in Fort McMurray with Jacobs Engineering working as a Junior Project Controls Specialist in the oil and gas industry.

After graduation in 2014 with Honors Communication Studies Degree, I volunteered overseas to the Finnish Army as Military Police. I wanted to follow the footsteps of both grandfathers serving in the famous Winter War. It was an honour to represent military defense for my country. My training decorated me with the best soldier known as “Loppu Sota” (End War). After graduating from the Finnish Military, my path led me to Edmonton as a Contractor for a diesel refinery called North West Redwater. There I began to sharpen up my skills as a Project Controls Specialist. It was a great experience communicating with multidisciplinary teams and reporting on monthly progress to checking progress in the field.

Lastly, my present discipline is with Irving Shipbuilding in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as a Project Controls Specialist for the largest procurement defense contract in Canadian History; building Canada’s next Navy Warships! I am currently here enjoying the laid back East Coast life and actually met my now Fiancé and planning our wedding.

My words of wisdom is always work hard like a soldier no matter what the situation. There will always be disappointments in life but stay focused. Push through because quitting isn’t an option like my lieutenant always told me. Remember though to enjoy the journey.

Chris Tanninen ‘14

BA Communication Studies

The McMaster Alumni Association will be featuring recent grad’s career stories to show career paths are anything but linear. If you graduated in the last 10 years and are interested in sharing yours, submit your story by clicking here.

If you are looking to get started on your own journey, take advantage of the resources available to recent graduates through our partnership with the Student Success Centre.

