
McMaster Alumni
McMaster Alumni
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2018

This is our last story for the year about the impact donors have at McMaster. Today’s entry is about Logo, a member of the Class of 2018 who received a bursary during his time at McMaster and then went on to donate to that same fund when he graduated.

Towards the end of his second year at McMaster, Logo Warille received some good news. He had been awarded a bursary. The Douglas and Beverly Coleman Bursary. “It really touched me that McMaster alumni would think about helping students.”

Logo decided to find out who the donors were. He wanted to send them a thank-you letter.

He discovered that Douglas Coleman ’54 was a renowned scientist who had received a number of international awards for his pioneering work on the biology of obesity and diabetes. His wife, Beverly, was the only woman to graduate in chemistry from McMaster in 1954. Together, they were generous supporters of McMaster during their lifetime.

Beverly & Doug Coleman

Douglas Coleman spoke to McMaster in 2013 about why he continued to donate. “There were a lot of people at McMaster helping me to make the right choices and leading me in the right direction. So this is my way of helping McMaster students achieve their own dreams.”

Fittingly, Logo’s dream was to follow in Coleman’s footsteps and work in biomedical research. “It continues the story. And one day I hope I can have a positive impact on someone else’s life, just like the Colemans did for me.”

That was two years ago.

In June, Logo graduated from the Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization Program. His first action as an alumnus was to make a gift to the Douglas and Beverly Coleman Bursary.

Logo had the following to say about the reason behind his philanthropy:

“I contributed to the Colemans’ fund because I knew it would go towards a hardworking student in the program I graduated from. It was my pleasure to pay it forward. My education at Mac has helped me to start out my career on the right foot, so I wanted to do my small part to help another student finish their degree without worry. I hope it gives a deserving student some peace of mind.”

To make your gift and have an infinite impact at McMaster click here.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact giving@mcmaster.ca.

