Top 15 technology trends to watch in 2022 | MCRO

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20 min readMar 29, 2022

We may not start commuting to work in flying cars or populating other planets as it was believed 50 years ago but for sure, the following decades will grace the world with many exciting technological advancements. In the current times, change has become a constant. New technologies continue to emerge at an unprecedented rate. Some tech trends disappear over time, and only a few remain on the sidelines, pushing forward and really making a difference.

Many such technologies have made a name for themselves in the last few years and are just a few steps until reaching mainstream status. These technologies are listed as the latest technologies to set global trends in the coming years.

This being said, without further ado, we present you the MCRO Top 15 technologies for the upcoming years.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the latest technological advances that have consistently dominated the list of top technology trends over the years. AI is becoming the best technology in the world and is already known for its advantages in image and voice recognition, voice assistants, navigation apps, automation, and more.

AI has proven to be one of the most innovative technology advances today. Developers will continue to use AI to analyze interactions, determine underlying impacts and insights, and forecast demand for services such as healthcare. This allows specialists to make better decisions about resource usage and identify ways to change. Analyze customer behavior by analyzing data in near real-time, increasing revenue and improving individual experiences.

Its role today is for computers to read (investigate news and reports), display (by facial recognition), listen (by allowing Amazon Echo to respond to commands), and talk (Siri can provide responses). And even to enable the recording of emotions. AI (through emotional computing) helps to become a technology that does not require human intervention to support learning. With the proliferation of AI around the world, AI is being adopted in multiple sectors such as customer experience, design, and healthcare. Moreover, in the current world scenarios, artificial intelligence seems more promising than ever. The amount of medical data collected and the rate of infection can be used to prevent the spread of future infections.

Global spending on cognitive and AI systems will reach 57.6 billion in 2022, according to experts. And the AI ​​market will grow into a $ 190 billion industry by 2025.

2. 5G Technology

As data transfer increases, connected mobile devices can no longer afford to provide the same slow connections as they were 10 years ago. 5G offers a compelling new solution here. This new model of network speed is the evolution of 4G and offers much better speeds with the help of higher frequency radio waves. In trend with the growth of video conferencing, remote working, and digital collaboration in these past years, reliable connectivity and better bandwidth are important. With the evolution of 5G, we continue to manage our studies and work from home, preventing companies from going out of business.

The success and dissemination of this breakthrough technology will have a significant impact on several industries in terms of the quantity and quality of data transmitted. It has the potential to lift restrictions on connecting autonomous technologies, drones, and vehicles to the Internet and drive innovation in IoT and virtual reality.

5G technology is the next generation of cellular networks and services. Expected to provide at least 20GBPS downlinks and 10GBPS uplinks, 5G networks are at least 40 times faster than the current 4G LTE. To put this into perspective, if the movie is downloaded to the 3G network for 26 hours, the 5G time is expected to be reduced to 3.6 seconds. This opens the door for telecommunications operators to new services, network operations, and customer experiences.

Companies such as Samsung, Apple, and Xiaomi are actively adopting 5G phones. Technology will help make 5G affordable for as many smartphone users as possible in the years to come. The global 5G technology market is projected to reach $ 5.53 billion in 2020 and $ 66.79 billion by 2026, with annual growth of 122.3% from 2021 to 2026.

3. Blockchain

A blockchain is a distributed database shared between nodes in a computer network. As a database, blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchain is best known for its important role in cryptocurrency systems like Bitcoin for maintaining secure and decentralized records of transactions. Blockchain innovation is to ensure the fidelity and security of datasets and create trust without the need for a trusted third party.

The main difference between a typical database and a blockchain is the structure of the data. Blockchain collects information in groups called blocks that contain information. A block has a certain amount of storage capacity, is closed when it is full, and is linked to a previously full block to create a data chain, the so-called blockchain. All new information following the newly added block will be combined into the newly formed block, filled, and then added to the chain as well. Cryptocurrencies, which are an important element of the blockchain, are also broken down into several currencies and activated in the same way as fiat currencies.

The blockchain market is projected to grow from $ 4.9 billion in 2021 to $ 67.4 billion in 2026, with an average annual growth rate of 68.4%. At the same time, blockchain technology aided the crypto market to reach the capitalization mark of 3 trillion dollars in 2021. The main drivers contributing to the high growth rate of the blockchain market are increased venture capital financing and investment in blockchain technology, widespread use of blockchain solutions in banks and cybersecurity, and blocking payments. Furthermore, governments around the world are highly interested in initiatives including high acceptance of chain solutions, smart contracts, and digital IDs.

4. Quantum computing

Credit: Yurchanka Siarhei/Shutterstock

Quantum computing is a rapidly emerging technology focused on the development of computing technology based on the principles of quantum theory that explains the behavior of energy and matter at the atomic and subatomic levels. Computers currently in use can only encode information into bits that have a value of 1 or 0. This limits its capabilities. Quantum computing, on the other hand, uses qubits or quantum bits. It takes advantage of the unique ability of subatomic particles to allow them to exist in multiple states (for example, 1 and 0 at the same time).

Due to its potential and projected market size, the most well-known technology companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Google, DWaves Systems, Alibaba, Nokia, Intel, Airbus, HP, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, and SK Telekom are in the quantum computing field. About 40% of the world’s largest companies are already planning quantum computing initiatives by 2025.

The use of this technology is very broad:

  • One of the most promising applications of the quantum computer is to simulate the behavior of matter down to the molecular level.
  • Automakers such as Volkswagen and Daimler are finding new ways to improve performance by simulating the chemical composition of electric vehicle batteries using quantum computers. They also offer a service to calculate the optimal route for city buses and taxis to minimize congestion.
  • Pharmaceutical companies then use them to analyze and compare compounds that may lead to the development of new drugs.
  • The machine is also ideal for optimization problems as it can handle many possible solutions very quickly.
  • Airbus uses them to calculate the most fuel-efficient ascent and descent paths for an aircraft.
  • Some researchers also believe that machines can be used to speed up artificial intelligence.

Quantum Computing will be of great help in finance, military and intelligence, drug design and discovery, aerospace design, utilities, polymer design, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) and big data retrieval, and digital manufacturing.

5. Extended and virtual reality

Augmented reality and virtual reality are two popular technology trends that have become increasingly popular in recent years and are expected to continue to do so. VR immerses the user in the environment, and AR enhances the user’s environment. This tech trend has traditionally been used primarily in games, but it has also been used in training such as Virtual Ship, a simulation software used to train captains of the US Navy, Army, and Coast Guard. In 2022, we can expect these forms of technology to be further integrated into our lives. AR and VR typically work in conjunction with some of the other new technologies mentioned in this list, with great potential for training, entertainment, education, marketing, and even post-injury rehabilitation. Both of these can be used to train doctors in surgery, provide museum visitors with a deeper experience, improve theme parks, and even improve marketing.

In 2019, 14 million AR and VR devices were sold. The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $ 209.2 billion by 2022. This will increase opportunities for trending technology and increase the number of professionals preparing for this groundbreaking area.

The tech giant Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has already made significant investments and a commitment regarding virtual reality, including the 2014 acquisition of Oculus. Meta envisions a virtual world where digital avatars connect to VR headsets through work, travel, and entertainment.

6. Robotic Process Automation

Like AI and machine learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another technology that automates jobs. It is the use of software to automate business processes. Robotic Process Automation bots have the same or even more digital skills as humans. Think of an RPA bot as a digital worker who can interact with any system or application. For example, bots can copy and paste web data, perform calculations, open and move files, write emails, log in to programs, connect to APIs, and extract unstructured data. I can do it. Also, bots can adapt to any interface or workflow, eliminating the need to modify business systems, applications, or existing processes to automate them.

The RPA bot is easy to set up, use and share. If you know how to record video on your mobile phone, you can configure an RPA bot. It’s as intuitive as pressing the record, play, stop buttons, or dragging and dropping files. RPA bots can be planned, duplicated, customized, and shared to run business processes across the enterprise.

The global robotic process automation market value is projected to increase from $ 2 billion in 2020 to $ 45.9 billion in 2030, with annual growth of 36.3% from 2020 to 2030. The main driving force for market growth is the ability of robots. Process automation improves efficiency, improves the customer experience, and makes it easier to manage business operations. In addition, the growing need for virtual labor is helping to expand the market.

7. IoT - Internet of Things

Today, many “things” are built with WIFI connectivity. Due to this, you can connect to the Internet and ultimately interconnect devices to each other. Therefore, the name Internet of Things or IoT.

The Internet of Things is the future, that already unlocks the possibility to connect devices, cars, etc. to the Internet and exchange data. IoT is on the list of the latest app development trends for 2021. As consumers, we are already using and benefiting from the IoT. In our homes that already have a variety of smart products such as TVs, heaters, microwave ovens, coffee machines, voice-controlled personal assistants such as Amazon Echo, we find many new additions in a matter of time. If you forget when you go to work, preheat the oven on your way home from work, and track your fitness with Fitbits, you can lock the door remotely.

Companies also have a lot to gain now and in the near future. The IoT collects and analyses data to provide enterprises with superior security, efficiency, and decision-making. We can enable predictive maintenance, promote medical care, improve customer service, and provide benefits we never imagined. According to Statista forecasts, around 50 billion IoT devices will be used around the world, creating a huge network of interconnected devices, from smartphones to kitchen appliances. Global spending on the Internet of Things (IoT) is projected to reach $ 1.1 trillion in 2022. New technologies like 5G are expected to stimulate market growth in the coming years.

8. Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the provision of on-demand computing services on a Pay as you go basis, typically over the Internet, from applications to storage and processing power. This is all general terminology, including providing services hosted over the Internet. These services fall into three major categories or types of cloud computing. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

The cloud can be private or public. The public cloud sells services to everyone on the Internet. A private cloud is a unique network or data center that provides a limited number of people with hosted services with specific access and authorization settings. Instead of developing their own computing infrastructure or data center, enterprises can borrow access to everything from application to storage from cloud service providers. One of the benefits of using cloud computing services is that you can avoid the upfront costs and complexity of owning and maintaining your IT infrastructure, and instead pay only for what you use when you use it.

Whether private or public, the goal of cloud computing is to provide simple and scalable access to computer resources and IT services. Cloud computing services cover a wide range of options, from the basics of storage, networking, and computing power to natural language and artificial intelligence processing to standard office applications. This includes consumer services such as Gmail and cloud backup of photos on smartphones, as well as services that allow large companies to host all their data and run all their applications in the cloud. Netflix leverages cloud computing services to enhance video streaming services and other business systems, and there are many other organizations.

You can now provide almost any service over the cloud that doesn’t require you to be close to your computer hardware. Due to this, cloud computing has become a staple in the tech industry, reaching a worldwide market capitalization of 445 billion dollars in 2021 to 947 billion in 2026.

9. Human augmentation

As we push the boundaries of what we can do, people are constantly striving to evolve. Sometimes this happens naturally with the help of evolution, hardcore training, or some miraculous talent. We can run 17 miles per hour at the fastest speeds, our bodies can fight cancer, and some of us can even master quantum physics. Human enhancement, on the other hand, is a field of science and technology that can improve human capabilities through medicine, genetic engineering, and increasingly neurotechnology.

Superhero and sci-fi movies love to imagine what a life with a superpower would look like someday, with extra strength, psychokinesis, and super-intelligence but these abilities can become a reality sooner than you think.

We are already in the right direction. Human enhancement-correction of what we were born with is not a completely new phenomenon. We have been working on body cosmetology for a long time. Tattoos have been around for an estimated 12,000 years. Plastic surgery is also 100 years old and was invented as we know it today to reconstruct the faces of soldiers after World War I.

Millions of people around the world are already using forms of human enhancement to improve their lives and improve their physical function. Replication technology simulates features that humans may have run out of. Naked Prosthetics, for example, can reproduce highly dexterous amputated fingers. eSight is a wearable device with a camera that allows visually impaired people to see their surroundings by displaying an image on a screen near their eyes, Cochlear implants work as well for restoring hearing. But beyond replication, technologies are emerging to not only complement our capabilities but also improve them.


A stunning example of world-changing human augmentation is the Neuralink. This is a device that a neurosurgeon uses a robot to surgically insert into the brain. In this procedure, a chipset called a link is embedded in the skull. There is a set of insulating wires that connect to the electrodes used in the process. With this device, you can operate without touching your smartphone or computer. Neuralink can be used for encephalopathy surgery. It can also be used as a link between the human brain and technology. This means that paralyzed people can easily operate their cell phones and computers directly with their brains. Its main purpose is to allow people to communicate via text or voice messages. Of course, Neuralink isn’t limited to this but can be used for painting, taking pictures, and other activities.

10 Intelligent process automation

Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) is part of a wave of technology that enables businesses to reduce operating costs, improve efficiency, and improve the experience for their employees and customers. Developed from rudimentary automation, Intelligent Process Automation is the next iteration of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) that furthers digital transformation. Intelligent process automation is a combination of different technologies for automating more complete end-to-end business processes. This is a further development of simple rule-based task automation for managing and automating entire business processes consisting of many tasks. At its core, Intelligent Process Automation integrates RPA with a variety of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to create a larger decision-based approach that previously required employee intervention and execution. It’s about automating business processes.

Intelligent process automation automates many of these processes, eliminating human intervention that causes errors and slows down execution. For example, you can use machine learning to check invoice compliance. You can use decision-making modeling software to automate things like manual reviews by managers and finance teams. The following is an overview of what technologies enable intelligent process automation:

  • Robotic process automation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Natural Language Processing

Companies in various industries that have experimented with intelligent process automation have achieved impressive results, including:

  • Automating 50–70% of asks is cost-effective at 25–35% per year.
  • Lead time reduced by 50–60%
  • Return on investment in the 3-digit percentage range

Intelligent Process Automation is the future of automation. While not quite at saturation, it is already used in the financial, insurance, and healthcare service markets. The Global Intelligent Process Automation Market size is expected to reach $15.8 billion by 2025, rising at an annual market growth of 12.5%.

11. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has been around for some time, so it doesn’t look like new technology, but it’s evolving like any other technology. For example, the number of ransomware hacks around the world increased by nearly 25% between 2018 and 2019, and cybersecurity developers and businesses are creating new software to counter this trend. In part, this is because there are always new threats emerging. Malicious hackers trying to illegally access data don’t give up immediately and continue to find ways to defeat even the most complicated security measures. This is partly due to the adoption of new technologies to enhance security. As long as there are hackers around, cybersecurity will continue to be a trending technology as it constantly evolves to protect itself from these hackers.

As evidence of a strong need for cybersecurity professionals, cybersecurity jobs are growing three times faster than other technology jobs. By 2025, 60% of companies will use cybersecurity risk as a key determinant in conducting third-party transactions and business engagement. As cyberattacks become more common each year, businesses need to spend more on their protection. The global cybersecurity market is estimated to be $ 183,340 million in 2020 and reach $ 53,780 million by 2030. However, paid software only works to protect your business only if operated by skilled professionals. There is no point in investing further in security unless someone with sufficient knowledge of information security implements and operates security applications. This is why it is a must to keep a watch on the trend and invest in emerging new talents.

12. Voice search

Our top technologies will remain incomplete without voice search technology. The days when the only connection between language and technology was to talk to our mobile devices are gone. Voice search became mainstream in 2011 with the introduction of Apple’s Siri on the iPhone 4. In 2015, Amazon Echo became the first mainstream smart home device. From there, many competitors entered the voice search market.

As 40% of smart speaker users shop on their devices at least once a month, you know that the growth of the audio market has led to opportunities for brands to connect with users, especially in e-commerce. Millennials, in particular, are demonstrating a higher level of comfort and general recognition as they live in an evolving digital world where comfort, efficiency, and speed are constantly improving. The importance of voice search in this era cannot be ignored, as voice recognition is used to identify user statements so accurately and in response, send a message to the user by voice.

The integration of the Google Action SDK and Siri in apps introduces the power of voice to perform everyday tasks, but the application remains very limited. In the near future, many new technology trends are pending and we plan to perform more operations with voice commands. In just a short amount of time, all the devices we have around us will be able to function and take action with commands from our voice. Combined with natural language processing, machine learning using AI and language-based applications will find a bigger place in your daily activities. The voice intelligence supported by AI is thriving and we are at the beginning of this revolution. Voice is the most powerful point of contact between a company and its customers, allowing businesses to leverage their voice data on a large scale. From home devices to healthcare to call centers, it’s never been easier to understand key human behavior in real-time.

13. Big data analytics

When technology peaks and completely overwhelm our lives, the amount of data exchanged is enormous. Large amounts of data are collected daily that traditional computer tools cannot process. This is called big data. Today’s enterprises rely heavily on big data to better understand their customers. The process of gaining meaningful insights from such raw big data is known as big data analysis. This includes the volume of information, the velocity or speed at which information is created and collected, and the variety or range of data points collected (known as the “three Vs” of big data).

Big data analytics provide an almost endless source of business and information insights that can lead to operational improvements and new opportunities for enterprises to generate unrealized revenue in almost every industry. From use cases such as customer personalization to risk mitigation, fraud detection, in-house operational analytics, and almost every other new use case that appears almost every day, the value of incorporating data in an enterprise is state-of-the-art.

There is no single technology that includes big data analytics. Of course, there is advanced analytics that can be applied to big data, but in reality, several types of technologies work together to help you get the most value out of your information:

  • Machine learning
  • Data management
  • Data mining
  • Predictive analytics

The global big data and business analytics market is estimated to be $ 198.08 billion in 2020 and reach $ 68.41 billion by 2030. The main driver of big data & business analytics market growth is the increasing adoption of big data analytics software by a variety of companies, improving and expediting decision-making by analyzing and responding to information promptly. It enables you to gain a competitive advantage. In addition, there is a growing need for better insights into business planning and uptrends such as social media analytics that are likely to provide favorable growth opportunities for the big data and business analytics markets during the forecast period.

14. 3D printing

Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D printing, is changing the way products are designed, manufactured, and maintained. 3D printing has been around for some time, but has become more popular and used in recent years, the global market projected to reach $ 41 billion by 2026. New 3D printing applications are constantly being developed that enable on-demand production without special equipment or tools, unlock digital design tools, and offer breakthrough performance and unmatched flexibility in all industries.

3D printing was first developed as a means of faster prototyping. Traditional injection molding prototypes cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and can take weeks to make a single mold. This is not very practical if you are trying to improve your design with each new iteration. 3D printing technology significantly reduces the lead times required for traditional manufacturing, allowing prototypes to be manufactured in hours instead of weeks at a low cost. The automotive, aerospace, healthcare, construction, and fashion industries are just a few examples of manufacturing industries that use 3D printing technology.

Traditional production is the most cost-effective for mass production. In situations where the product is not intended to be mass-produced, 3D printing is ideal because the product can be produced in much smaller quantities or on a case-by-case basis at a relatively low cost. The biggest advantage of this technology is the fact that the product is highly customizable.

In recent years, there are many 3D printing applications in the medical world. They range from bioprinting, where biomaterials such as cells and growth factors are combined into tissue-like structures that mimic their natural counterparts, to medical products such as prostheses. Bioprinting enables 3D printing of artificial organs and helps to solve the patient’s organ failure problem more quickly. This is important for both the patient and his family and the medical system. 3D printing applications in medicine are also used to manufacture metal orthopedic implants. With the ability of 3D printing to create a porous surface, these types of implants can be easily integrated into the patient’s natural bone and grow into implants.

3d printed orthopedic prosthesis

15. Personalized online medicine

Innovations are increasingly driving healthcare systems. With the potential to collect information about a person’s lifestyle from smartwatches (Samsung, Apple Watch, Fitbit, etc.), medical professionals can anticipate potential medical problems before the patient develops symptoms. When it comes to treating these patients, this technology trend helps physicians prescribe more personalized medicine. This is often referred to as predictive medicine. The digital health market hit $ 141.8 billion in 2020 and grow to over 17.4% per year between 2021 and 2027.

An information-driven understanding of how useful some treatments are for people will advance the healthcare market in the future. From a patient care perspective, this technology trend helps physicians prescribe personalized medications commonly known as predictors. A data-driven understanding of how treatment can help individuals will support the healthcare services market in the coming years.

Unlocking the ability to collect and structure data allows doctors to further analyze and research with more accuracy and ultimately improve patient outcomes. A huge trend in today’s medicine is apps that allow doctors to stay in touch with their patients, co-workers, and physicians. These platforms provide a lot of benefits like:

  • Improved health data collection
  • More accurate diagnosis
  • Customized treatment protocols for every patient
  • The capability to track the medicine administration
  • The ability to communicate between doctors and physicians
  • Increased interaction with the patients
  • Hospital cost and time management

A good example of such a platform is Docviser. It is an app developed with a single goal in mind, to save lives. Custom-made to efficiently manage patients and resources, it aids oncology doctors in the battle with cancer.


Given the current pace of change and innovation, it is guaranteed and necessary to monitor the latest and hottest technology trends. The world economy will resurface soon, and new technologies will almost certainly support this trend. The Big Tech trends mentioned above can shape our daily lives over the years to come. Companies, large and small, are facing these new changes in the global technological environment. Second, if you want to overcome the ever-evolving challenges facing the industry, consumers, and businesses, innovate with free tools and platforms. Overall, these are exciting times, and expectations for the coming months will bring stakeholders from different sectors to life.

If you have a project idea or need consultancy, feel free to contact us. We will make sure to deliver the best results.

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