Get In The Halloween Spirit With These Easy Pumpkin Ideas!

Mcsweeney CDJR
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2019

It’s almost time for Halloween… or at least, it’s time to start preparing for Halloween. Do you know how you’re going to decorate yet? If you are like most people, you’re going to want to carve some pumpkins. But you don’t want your jack-o-lanterns to look how they do every year, do you? You can easily do something different and creative when you check out these easy pumpkin-carving ideas. Your jack-o-lantern is going to blow everyone else’s out of the water when you employ these simple ideas. Get ready to start carving!

Flower Moon

If you want to go for a bit of a different look, try going for a flower moon pumpkin. This is so easy to do, and it will probably take less time than it would to make your average jack-o-lantern. All you have to do is paint your pumpkin black, then punch holes in the shape of a moon. You can then stick white or light-colored flowers in the holes, so they make up a moon. It’s a beautiful look, and it’s sure to add a lot to your Halloween décor.

Gold Star Cookie-Cutter

Do you have a cookie-cutter sitting around anywhere? Find a star-shaped one, and you’re in luck. You can use the cookie-cutter and a hammer to punch out the stars on your pumpkin. Then, just paint your pumpkin gold, put a light inside, and you have a beautiful jack-o-lantern that you definitely won’t see anywhere else!

Flower Vase

Maybe you don’t even want to make a jack-o-lantern. If you want to do something more creative, consider making a flower vase out of a pumpkin. You just have to empty it and clean it out. Then, paint it any color you want. A metallic hue looks especially pretty. Put a flower arrangement in the top, and you have a super pretty decorative piece.

Home Address

There’s no place like home… Make your pumpkin personalized by carving your home address number in it. Not only will this allow people to find your home easier, but it’s also cute and clever.

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Owl City

Instead of carving a face into a pumpkin, why not make your pumpkins into owls? This tends to work better with taller, skinnier pumpkins, so try to find some like that when you’re at the pumpkin patch. After that, all you have to do is follow an outline, and your pumpkin will look like an owl in no time.

