Frameworks that could surpass React

Published in
6 min readFeb 1, 2023

Some very reliable alternatives…


Front-end development involves creating visual designs and interactions inside applications and ensuring that it is responsive and accessible to users on different devices and browsers. Front-end developers use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create user interfaces that are functional, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for front-end developers, as more and more businesses and organizations recognize the importance of having a well-designed and user-friendly online presence. With this in mind, developers should pay close attention to their framework of choice.

Front-end frameworks are pre-written libraries of code that provide a set of standardized components and tools for building user interfaces. They are designed to make it easier and faster for developers to create user interfaces, by providing a ready-made set of tools and components that can be easily integrated into their projects.


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, being widely used by web developers to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces and is supported by a large and active community. Here are some keypoints that make React such a popular framework:

  • Popularity and community support: React is a widely used and well-supported library, with a large and active community of users and contributors. This means you can easily find help and resources if you need them and can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the React community.
  • Flexible and modular: React uses a component-based approach to building user interfaces, which makes it easy to create modular and reusable components. This makes it a good choice if you want to build scalable and maintainable applications.
  • Efficient rendering: React has an efficient rendering engine that updates the user interface efficiently and smoothly. This makes it a good choice for building user interfaces that need to update quickly in response to user input or data changes.
  • Large ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools: React has a large ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools, which makes it easy to extend its functionality and integrate it with other technologies. This makes it a good choice if you need a flexible and versatile library for building user interfaces.

But it is not the only option available.

There are several other frameworks that have the potential to surpass React in terms of functionality and popularity. Deciding which one to use can depend on a variety of factors, including your personal preferences, the requirements of your project, and the resources and support available for each framework.

Here are some very valid alternatives that are commonly known in the market.


Vue.js is an open-source front end JavaScript framework developed by Evan You.

In comparison to React, Vue offers:

  • a softer learning curve, making it easier for developers who are new to front-end development.
  • a component-based architecture, like React, but allows developers to use templates and declarative syntax to define the structure of components, which can facilitate it’s understanding
  • a more compact and focused core library than React, with an extensive amount of third-party libraries that developers can use to build applications quite easily.


Svelte is an open-source front end compiler created by Rich Harris.

Contrary to React, Svelte offers:

  • a faster performance, compiling your code at build time instead of runtime-checks, producing faster and more efficient code.
  • a smaller and more declarative syntax, making it easy for developers to write maintainable code.
  • several features that include live-reloading and a time-travelling debugger that allows developers to move backwards and forwards in time to see how their application’s state has changed.
  • a new approach to UI building, where user interfaces are unique and more intuitive than React’s approach.
  • a more straightforward and logical syntax overall.

There are also some alternatives that are not as well known in the market of front-end but that are still worth to look at.


Preact is a fast and lightweight JavaScript library developed by a group of community contributors.

You might contemplate using this library after considering these points:

  • a smaller size (only 3kb!) which makes it faster to download and run giving you the possibility to build fast and lightweight interfaces.
  • a simple and intuitive API that is easy to learn and use, factors that may be of your interest if you are new to front-end development or need a lightweight library.
  • a strong compatibility with React, where it uses most of React’s syntax and APIs, meaning you can use your previous React knowledge and tools with this library.
  • a fast and efficient rendering engine that could be extremely useful if developers are in need of a interface that needs to be update quickly.


Aurelia is a JavaScript client framework for web, mobile and desktop.

You should consider using this framework if you need:

  • a complete solution for building web apps, with an extensive range of features and tools, which makes this framework a very solid choice if you are developing a complex project
  • an architecture where you can customize and extend its functionalities, making a very good choice that can grow with your project
  • a very simple and intuitive API
  • a framework that is built on modern web-standards, designed to forward-looking and future-proof meaning that your future apps are standard-compliant and up to date.


In conclusion, while React is a popular and widely used front-end framework, there are many other frameworks available that offer similar or even better features and capabilities.

Using a different framework can help developers expand their skills and knowledge, making them more versatile and valuable in the job market. Finally, using a different framework can help developers avoid getting locked into a single technology, and having flexibility and control over their projects.

Overall, while React is a valuable and powerful tool, it is wrong to assume that it is the epitome of front-end development and that’s why developers should consider using other frameworks in order to get the most out of their web development projects.

References :

· Getting Started-React, React.js.

· Getting Started,Vue.js.

· Getting Started,Svelte.

· Getting Started,Preact.

· Getting Started,Aurelia.

· Top 5 Alternatives to React in 2022, ByteofDev.

· Obscure Frontend Frameworks That Could Become the Next React, CrowdBotics.

· The Most Popular Front-end Frameworks in 2022, StackDiary.

