Quadruple Your Money the Easy Way

Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2017


Millennials — listen up!

Quadruple your money? I know what you’re thinking: this must be a scam! Spoiler alert: this is not a scam, but rather a proven outcome if you use one simple trait: patience.

Patience will make you wealthy…

Credit: Giphy

…so that you can retire easy (and perhaps early!), pay for college for your kids, or accomplish any other financial goal you set. Here’s an example:

  • You invest $100, into a
  • S&P500 index fund (tracks the performance of 500 of the market’s best stocks)
  • In 15 years, you quadruple your money:
Assumes the same average long term performance of S&P500 over the last 78 years

Boom. Quadrupled. You did ZERO work to for 3/4 of that money.

Those earnings are like FREE MONEY. Here’s another scenario:

  • The average car payment in the US is now $500 a month
  • You just finished paying off a car
  • You put $500 a month into an S&P500 index fund

In 25 years, that grows to $600,000. Only 1/4 of that was your own money:

It takes longer to quadruple your money here because you are continuing to contribute more — which just means you are earning more!

You might as well do this, you’re used to not having that $500 in your account anyway. Make that money work for you!

You. Can. Do. This. You can quadruple your money.

Compound interest is a beautiful thing.

Now for the naysayers and the concerned out there:

  • The stock market is too risky” — If 9.5% annual average earnings of the S&P500 over the past 78 years isn’t convincing enough for you, then I guess you should go buy a lotto ticket for a 1 in 14 Million chance of winning. That sounds smarter.
  • “It takes too long” — Yes, it takes a while. This isn’t a get rich quick scam. This is a build wealth the proven way method. PATIENCE is a virtue, especially when it comes to investing!
  • “I don’t have the money” — Just $5 a day can equate to half a million dollars in 35 years. I have faith that you can find the money if you want to put it to work creating free money for you:
  • “I don’t want to lose it all” — This is a legitimate fear. So for any financial goals that have a date we need to use the money, like retirement or college tuition, you don’t want to use a S&P500 index fund. There are other investment types that work better.
  • “My savings account is safer” — Sure, but you are losing the value of that money due to inflation.
  • “But, inflation!” — Inflation is an argument TO invest, not an argument to avoid it.

Happy investing!

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Charlie Cameron is an avid investor and peer educator on money concepts missing from education. How to learn more:

Disclaimer: I don’t account for inflation in the calcs above. The important thing to remember is that even with 2–3% inflation a year investing is still a fantastic way to earn money and may be the best way to beat inflation!




Military engineer by day, investing and success enthusiast by night!