3-Day-A-Week HIIT Workout for Busy Bees

Teja V Surapaneni, MD, MS
Published in
Aug 21, 2023


Warm-Up (2 minutes):

Jumping jacks, dynamic leg swings, arm circles, and high knees.

Routine (3 rounds with 1-minute breaks):

40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest for each exercise:

  1. Burpees
  2. Push-Up to Side Plank Rotation
  3. Alternating Jumping Lunges
  4. Mountain Climbers
  5. Tricep Dips (using a chair/bench)
  6. Plank to Alternating Toe Touch
  7. Squat Jumps
  8. Flutter Kicks

Cool Down (3 minutes):

Forward Bend, Quad Stretch, Child’s Pose, Seated Forward Bend, Butterfly Stretch, and Neck Rolls.

This high-intensity interval training program is made to be efficient, working the entire body in a short amount of time. Never begin a new exercise program without first talking to your doctor.



Teja V Surapaneni, MD, MS
Editor for

American Board Certified in Internal Medicine Specialty