Secret Code for a Long Life

Teja V Surapaneni, MD, MS


There are several factors that can influence a person’s longevity, including:

  1. Genetics: Some people may have a genetic predisposition to living a longer life.
  2. Lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, not smoking, and limited alcohol consumption, can increase lifespan.
  3. Medical care: Access to regular medical care and early detection and treatment of disease can also play a role in longevity.
  4. Social connections: Strong social connections and a sense of community have been linked to increased longevity.
  5. Environment: Living in a safe and clean environment can also contribute to a longer life.

It’s important to note that these factors are interrelated and often work together to influence a person’s lifespan.

Does where you live matter?

There are several populations around the world that have been found to have longer lifespans. Some of the most well-known “blue zones” or regions with high concentrations of centenarians include:

  1. Okinawa, Japan: This region has one of the highest concentrations of centenarians in the world, and a diet rich in fish and sweet potatoes has been identified as a…



Teja V Surapaneni, MD, MS

American Board Certified in Internal Medicine Specialty