Story: My First Contribution to an Open Source Project

Mohd Danish
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2018
“man standing while looking on white papers” by rawpixel on Unsplash

I’ve been working on my company project that is a dashboard where data is scattered into the form of charts, graph and some cool interaction when end user lands on the dashboard.

there was a module where admin schedule the test for users by selecting multiple dates and schedule that’s all. So, I was looking an Angular 6 date component that can select multiple dates.

I browse multiple blog post, GitHub projects but didn’t find any work around solution.

Finally I found a GitHub Project that was providing the module for selecting date but only you can select one date. So, I decide to edit the code according to my requirement.

So, Finally by some line of code the multiple selection date components is build and My task is delivered on time and felling happy.

Suddenly an idea hit my mind that why don’t make the contribution to this 1.2k start open source projects.

As a newbie I draft an email about the contribution that I wanna add a multiple selection module into this project. So, I want to contribute into your project. Here is screenshot of that email.

Drafted Email to Matt

You know, I was not expected that he will reply on my email But surpisingly he replied after couple of hours and he said great! send me the PR that’s all. When I was reading the email and at the same time I was thinking to optimize code more. So, that in first PR code will approved.

First I forked the repository to my account then clone the code locally and start writing the code like a professional programmers and after 3 hours work made a fresh PR.

I got response on the PR thread that Awesome, thanks 👍

Here is the PR URL:

Also I’m listed on the contributor page that now you are officially open source developer.

Felling Awesome 😃

If you like my story then you can hit the clap button as much as you can.

And Thanks for reading my story.



Mohd Danish

Front-end Developer, Open Source Developer, Creator & love to cook.