Ethical approval

Kirsten Browne
Koha to Whakaoriori Masterton
2 min readJun 5, 2023

‘Hīkoi’ is an Aotearoa-specific method for knowledge gathering. ‘Whakahīkoi’ is the name given to me by Joseph Potangaroa (Rangitāne O Wairarapa, mana whenua) for the activity of recording responses while moving through our place, in order to affect the direction of this work.

This method was notified as “low risk”. An Ethical Commitment and Consent form (below, in green) was presented, and either verbally agreed or signed by every participant.

Both the written and visual components of this work contain whakahīkoi perspectives, gathered according to the Code of Ethical Conduct, including the Researcher values below.

The participants haven’t yet seen their contributions in the context of the entire submission (which will become publicly accessible and shareable online). I will be offering all participants an opportunity to assess the work as a draft, with the ability to amend or withdraw their contribution before the end of July 2023, or another agreed date.



Kirsten Browne
Koha to Whakaoriori Masterton

Aotearoa spatial designer & communicator living in Whakaoriori Masterton