(Participatory) Design Methods Websites

Searching for methods which fit social & sustainability contexts

Sam Rye
MDes: Environmental & Social Impact
1 min readOct 18, 2016


Hey Rachel Knight,

Thanks for curating this list, it’s great to hear what other people are thinking in this space.

I’m noticing that most of these are:

a) American (or Westernised-Global at least)

b) Not very Participatory

So, knowing that you’re an excellent designer who is has leanings toward awesome social initiatives, sustainability and the likes, I wondered if you have any go-to resources for more participatory methods, and especially any which stem from different cultural contexts?

Here’s also a little brain dump of some I’ve encountered in the past which maybe touch on one or both of those:

I’m not sure if that’s particularly helpful for you or others, but it was interesting to explore and curate these for my own reference, so thanks for the prompt!

I’m looking forward to hearing what you’ve got in mind too.



Sam Rye
MDes: Environmental & Social Impact

Connecting with people with purpose; working to make people more comfortable working in complexity, so we can make better decisions that restore our planet.