Week 15: Reflection

Personal reflections

Jisoo Shon
MDES/MPS Grad Design Studio 2 _ Spring 2020
2 min readApr 27, 2020



Each designer is expected to document their ongoing reflections on their design experience in the course. Some questions that inform your personal reflections on course readings and your experience as a designer include the design agility metacognition framework.

This week, we’ve been working on product prototyping and how to do a presentation with storytelling. In the case of production, we decided on creating a platform embedded in the operating system by using Apple’s iOS system as an example. For upcoming presentation, we will focus on communication and empathizing to talk about how we have initialized and developed this project, and in what way it can eventually be applied to our lives to make people’s lives better.

Apart from the project, continuously thinking about “design that leads to improving life” seems to give me a sense of disconnection from my real-life situation. These days, I’m more concerned and thinking about my quality of life, and the fact that I have to finish coursework and spend the whole summer alone in Pittsburgh gives me constant pressure. However, I feel much better compared to last week maybe because I started working out recently, but the fundamental feeling that’s coming from uncertainty has been not solved. When the project is over, I wish to have some time to reflect on it.

