Week8: Reflection

Personal reflections — generative research

Jisoo Shon
MDES/MPS Grad Design Studio 2 _ Spring 2020
2 min readMar 10, 2020



What did you learn this deliverable?

What are you most proud of?

What did your team do really well?

What did you question about your experience?

What changes or additions should your team make to the team contract?

Today is the day that we finally go through the Digital Privacy workshop. We were able to finish the workshop by getting quick feedback during class and modifying the activity protocol for several hours. It was my first time planning and carrying out activities that start from a workbook to a workshop, so it was very enjoyable and I could learn a lot in many ways.

This workshop consists largely of explaining our purpose and discussing the workbook we handed out before, selecting a service and prioritizing value cards based on personal importance, presenting bad scenarios, and assuming the future and what services or products will replace those services in terms of privacy.

Here are some interesting points that I felt:

Firstly, people put a safety card before a privacy card all the time, because the category of safety was considered to protect not only physical safety but also intangible values such as digital privacy and data. In that respect, I thought that we could utilize those values as an entry point if we wanted to talk about people’s awareness, instead of asking them to put the value of privacy at the first unconditionally.

In addition, talking about the ideal scenarios of the future, there was an opinion that the autonomous car could be an alternative. Because the current bad scenario is somehow related to human as an agent. At that point, I wondered the fundamental agent of privacy issues and thought it might be a very simple problem, but it can be a wicked problem that can never be solved clearly depending on what angle we choose for interpreting.

