Inaugural MD++ Datathon 2022

Lathan Liou
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2022


When I joined MD++, I wanted to create opportunities for medical students to explore healthcare problems in data-driven ways. It was something I wish I had access to earlier on. Flash forward to January 2022, we organized our first-ever MD++ Datathon with gracious sponsorship support from Scale, Flatiron, and RStudio. Over the course of 4 weeks, 200+ medical students formed from schools all across the country formed teams, attended workshops given by our colleagues at Scale and Flatiron, and performed thoughtful, comprehensive, and creative analyses of some immensely important issues in healthcare using the NIS dataset (the largest inpatient sample dataset in the US).

Sponsored Workshops

We were absolutely blown away by the quality and depth of each of the analyses and wanted to publicly congratulate all 35 teams who registered, our 8 finalists and our grand prize winners.

MD++ Datathon Prize Winners
  1. schwab: Estimating Health and Health Systems Benefits From a
    Reduction in the Medicare Enrollment Age: A regression
    discontinuity design applied to the National Inpatient Sample (Ben…



Lathan Liou

Data Scientist at Merck. Tidyverse enthusiast and a neRd.