How To Start Exercising

Taylor J. Ford
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2021

Building A Workout Routine

Exercise or working out can be really confusing to someone who is just beginning a new healthy lifestyle. It can also be confusing to those who have been doing it for a while as well. In today’s world we have an abundance of conflicting information, different workout styles, fads, you name it!

This brings us back to the concept of bio individuality. This is the idea that one person’s food (or healthy movement in this case) is another person’s poison. We are all blessed with our own unique DNA code that determines everything from what foods may be best to eat to how we should work out. Trying a new workout program and pushing through pains you don’t feel comfortable with can be like trying to fit a triangle block into a circle opening, you won’t get anywhere or worse you may break yourself down.

Benefits Of Exercise

Why workout and exercise? Good question. Incorporating a sound exercise program can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, help your body regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, help you quit unhealthy habits, improve your mental health by releasing endorphins into your bloodstream, helps your body learn new movement patterns that help hold off Alzheimer’s disease, strengthens your muscles and bones, improves your sleep, and improves your sexual health. WOW!!! That’s a ton of benefits for very little investment. You can achieve ALL of these benefits with 30 min of sweat equity! That’s the best return on investment I have ever heard of!

Beginner Exercises To Try

Making time for exercise can be challenging depending on your life. It requires a deep commitment to yourself. However, if you enroll your family and friends to be active along with you, that can help tremendously. Things like going to the park and taking a walk, playing active games with your kids like tag and hide and seek, or making up your own games are all awesome ways to incorporate exercise into a busy lifestyle.

Workout Ideas

Take a 20–30 min walk. Alternate by walking fast for one minute, then walk slow for one minute.

Make it a game! Take a deck of cards, shuffle them up, then turn them over one by one. Do the number on the card in jumping jacks or burpees. All face cards equal 10 jumping jacks or burpees.

Use your body weight. Put 20 min on the clock, do 5 push-ups, 5 squats, 5 sit ups, every minute on the minute.

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Taylor J. Ford
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Unhesitantly me. Plus Whitney, Tate, Cam, and Princess Kennedy! Executive Editor of The Driven & Official Mascot of @mdrive