What is a non-binary person?

So what is a non-binary person?

Paris Nakita Kejser
To be different, I’m non-binary
3 min readFeb 7, 2022


I will try to explain what a non-binary person is and how to get a better understanding of what it is to be a non-binary person.

I’m from Denmark and I’m happy we are so accepted by so many different types of people and how there is identify themself.

To be a non-binary person means you did not identify as male or female‍ — ‌identities as you know it from the “normal” gender binary like male or female.

Non-binary Pride flags were designed in 2014 as Key Rowan

When you are a non-binary person you float in the middle of the two gender identities

it's really difficult to explain because some days you can feel most female other days you can feel male, or many you are a non-binary transgender person, so it is very complex without encountering or offending some out there and it's not my intention so I will be careful how to express it.

That’s why I will use myself as an example here, I’m feeling female I know I’m inside a male body but I wish I couldn’t change it, and at some point, I think I will hit the non-binary transgender sometimes, other times if you see me in the city you will never know I’m non-binary person because I’m dressed as a guy and other time when you see me in the train, city or where I just walk around you may think.

  • Is this a male there trying to walk in female clothes?
  • Why did he walk with nail polish color?
  • Is he normal or did he have mental problems?

But I can tell you I’m fine, I did not have any mental problems there tell me I shut dress like a woman or a guy, that's just a part of me and how I am.

Non-binary celebrities is my role models

When it comes to celebrities, people think it never goes for a celebrity person if they are different, but you are wrong again here. There are multiple celebrities out there as non-binary people and I’m very happy they are open about it.

It helps the general LBGT+ world and I hope it will help the young people there do not identify themself as female or male gender to get a better understanding about there can be an explanation about why they have that kind of feelings.

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Rose

Non-binary celebrities from Wikipedia:

Full list can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_with_non-binary_gender_identities



Paris Nakita Kejser
To be different, I’m non-binary

DevOps Engineer, Software Architect, Software Developer, Data Scientist and identify me as a non-binary person.