We Must Have a General Election Now

CC Hogan, Author
Me In The Middle
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2022

We desperately need someone new to blame

It has already long passed the waypoints of idiocy, stupidity, and now pure recklessness. It has passed the point where our politicians, spinning in circles, can dictate our future.

The time has come for the citizens of the United Kingdom to pick someone new to blame. We must have a general election.

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Normally, I am not one for pushing the establishment to do something that is outside the normal way things are done.

That is not to say that I particularly like the current system. I don’t. I don’t like First Past the Post, and I think political parties undermine democracy by demanding loyalty to the party before loyalty to constituents.

But then, I have never seen a situation like this. I honestly believe that our politicians have lost the plot entirely — right across the house.

I actually feel quite sorry for some of them. They came into parliament hoping to make a difference and believing in our democracy. But instead, they have found themselves bounced around by egotistical idiots from all sides.

And I mean all sides! The only reason the fractures and factions in the Labour Party have mostly only wounded themselves, is that they happened when in opposition. Imagine the divisive nature of Corbyn, let alone the anti-Semitic scandals, had they been in power?

I think the Conservative party has been even worse, but their internal stupidity has been amplified because they ARE in power, and it has had a direct and terrible consequence on this country, on us.

And it has happened at a time when there are other things, like Ukraine, oil prices, covid, where the government has far less influence that they would like us to believe.

Will a General Election make us all better again?

Of course not. We might well have a change of party, but would that help? Probably not in the way they promise, but it would have some advantages.

For a short time, it could stabilise the markets. Actually, it wouldn’t matter even if the Conservative Party regained power — just because it would have been a “will of the people moment” will cause a basic reset.

Labour might come in with some workable ideas! I'm not holding my breath. But to be honest, almost anything would be better than now.

(I might live to regret saying that)

Parliamentary democracies need balance. We don’t have a presidential system, and the government of the day have to always and continuously account to parliament. If we insist on political parties, then that needs both an organised party of government and an organised party of opposition, with some extra players tacked on.

We haven’t had either for a while. But the opposition is at last getting itself together. Now we need a stronger government. It might be useful for them to swap roles (via an election), and for the Conservatives to recover on the opposition benches like the Labour Party has done.

Assuming the Labour Party doesn’t implode in government because of its own, permanent divide between the extreme left and centre (a divide that has crippled them many times in their lifetime), then in a couple of years, we might see the system working a little better.

But the most important factor won’t be who wins or who loses, or how the numbers work out, it will be that the electorate, those who give MPs power and pay their salaries, decided.

It will be messy, but the decision will be ours and not theirs.

And that is so important right now.

Currently, the blame for what is happening is mostly at the feet of the Conservative government, and we are simply spectators gawping in horror. An election would shift the blame back on the electorate.

What is that saying from Joseph de Maistre? Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite. Every nation gets the government they deserve.

I don’t completely subscribe to that, because I think there is a long history of all governments undermining their nation for their own ends. But he had a point.

Eventually, the buck, the gambling chip, has to stop somewhere. What better place than with the electorate.

So, let’s have an election. Then at least it will be our fault.

You can find various petitions around to sign if you wish. As usual, the Independant is running one. Good luck!

Me In The Middle is a podcast available on Spotify and other good platforms. It is for all those stuck in the middle. Like me.



CC Hogan, Author
Me In The Middle

Author, poet, musician and writer of the huge fantasy Saga Dirt. Find out more at my blog: http://cchogan.com