Silent Crit

Getting Responses Back

Kevin Gao
Me, Myself, and I(nstagram)
3 min readApr 5, 2018


Silent crit setup

With all our components (rough) ready to go, we set up for the silent crit, including our research and other process. We also included a mocked up version of what the output would look like with the hashtag campaign.

April 2, 2018

We received some great feedback during the silent crit, specifically about our direction and what our goal is. Many people liked our zine, the style, and the content we provided. However, the whole system was unclear to most people because we had a lot of floating parts. Kristin specifically told us that our campaign didn’t have a clear goal in mind, and that we needed to define our inputs and outputs, whether it be the zine or some other form of communication.

One main crit we had was our pledge idea. Many were not convinced that a simple pledge agreement would get people to participate in our Instagram campaign. There needed to be a stronger motivation to get others to post vulnerable posts on Instagram and to share this to others. Also the tone of our magazine was too neutral, we tried to not show our opinion in our zine, but that might have been counterproductive to our goal, which is to represent Instagram in a harsh light, while offering some sort of call to action to counter it.

Moving forward, we are going to change the tone of the zine so that we show the research through our opinions, making sure it is strong and bold and straight to the point. The zine could possibly be an output of different responses we get from other people about their experiences with Instagram and how it makes them feel.

