Assignment 1: Blog Response

MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readAug 28, 2018

The game I play the most often nowadays is League of Legends, a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA). The ultimate goal of this game is to capture/destroy the enemy base whilst protecting your own.

The enemy base
Destroying the enemy base and winning the game

The obstacles faced throughout the game are the players on the enemy team, who are also trying to win by killing you, your teammates, and destroying your base. It’s up to you to work with your team to implement strategies to beat the other team in fights and take their objectives before they can take yours.

A team fight where the blue team utilizes each of their champions’ skills in an effective strategy to wipe out the opposing red team.

When you are killed, you activate a death timer, meaning you must wait an allotted amount of time before your champion revives and you can rejoin the game. The more times you die, the longer your death timer becomes.

The greyed out character portraits are players who are dead and unable to play. The red numbers indicate how many more seconds they have before they can rejoin the game.

The primary reward in the game is gold, or currency used to buy items that make your champion more powerful. You gain gold by killing your opponents, taking objectives, and “farming” little NPC creatures called minions.

The player character farms minions to earn gold (for buying powerful items) and experience points (for leveling up).
The item shop where players can buy items to make themselves more powerful with the gold they accumulate.

