Assignment 4: Creating Obstacles

MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readOct 2, 2018

These are my 5 obstacles I’ve included into my game:

Here we have some sprite sheets of my obstacles and explanations.

In order:

  1. Torn off bridge = prevents the player to get across, options are jump or swim across.
  2. END sign = falls in front of the player which alerts the zombies as it alerts them with sound.
  3. Rubble = tall rubble from a torn of building prevents player to walk across, instead the player has to either find a way or destroy it with his fists or weapon he carries.
  4. Zombie Wasps = nasty pests that attracts the player and a stinger with nasty venom, also a nasty bite with their mouths.
  5. Zombies = are fast, and prevent player from escaping out the death zone.



MEA 300: Game Design

I love anime/manga, war films & documents on topics like WW1 and WW2, and memes. I also planned in the future to publish my manga series. Plus I’m a total weeb.