Assignment 5: Rewards

MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readNov 6, 2018

The rewards I came up with are some of the rewards commonly seen across many types of video games.

The one I chose to implement in my game first is pollen, which bees gather to create honey. The bee in the game has to collect enough pollen to fill the meter to advance to the next level.

Pollen that the bee collects

Other ideas that I had for potential rewards include honeycomb, stingers, wind (going the reverse direction as the wind obstacle), and a heart.

The honeycomb would act as a powerup to fill the pollen meter faster by significantly increasing the meter. It would be a rare item and would only appear in difficult to reach places, like at the top or bottom of the screen.

The stinger would act as a shield so that the bee has a defense mechanism for when it runs into the next hummingbird. In real life, many kinds of bees can only sting once before it dies. Therefore, in the game it would only work for a single use to prevent death.

The wind would act as a speed boost to the player. The obstacle version flows in the opposite direction of the bee, acting as a collider that pushes the bee backwards. This version would allow the bee to fly faster.

The heart would implement a numerical life system into the game. Rather than die immediately after hitting a hummingbird, the player would get more chances to keep playing. The life would only appear after the bee has lost a life, and if the player runs out of lives, it dies.

