Assignment 8: User Testing Report

MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readNov 20, 2018

Here, about 57.1% played the game over 2–5 minutes than 42.9% of those that played a min or less.

In the chart diagram, 3 people picked 4/5 in which they enjoyed the game.

In question 3, many suggested that I should include more obstacles and graphics. As well fixing the colliders on the character with the platform, cuz many were bothered that it looks like he’s floating on top instead realistically walking on a platform.

Around 6 people (85.7%) rate my character 5/5 mostly just his design and appeal on appearance and color visual.

In question 5, the main trend is many enjoyed the character design, while many did not like my character’s movement while he’s floating and many pointed out the collider should be closer to the platform.

Question 6, many suggested to implement my piskel art more of my own rather from the prof. which I understood, but many wanted different sound files, more background art, and fixing a couple issues with the coding with my character and platform.



MEA 300: Game Design

I love anime/manga, war films & documents on topics like WW1 and WW2, and memes. I also planned in the future to publish my manga series. Plus I’m a total weeb.