Current Game and rewards

Allan Ng
MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readOct 10, 2017
Screenshots of the game
Gif of the game

Link has better FPS for some reason.

Rewards and obstacles

Rewards and obstacles are meant to incentivize people to keep playing your games.

Obstacles are put into a game to make the game harder to complete. Without obstacles the game will likely be too easy and the people who are playing will get bored and move on. But there is a limit to how much obstacles you want to put in your game because if you add too many, the game may feel too hard for some and those people will get driven away from the difficulty. A good balance is what makes a good game. There are also games that are heavily geared towards hardcore players that likes the games that they are playing to be super difficult and be exclusive in a sense that if they finish the game, they are one of a few who did so.

Rewards on the other hand is there to help the players along their path in the game. Often they are perks to their character they control in some form or another, like more health, speed, new abilities. One of the most common rewards in a game is health or health recovery. This gives the players the ability to come back into the game if they’ve taken damage or lost lives and continue the game further.

