Final Project: Pitch

MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readNov 2, 2017

What makes my game unique is the story and the simple visuals.

My game is called Red’s Dungeon. It’s about Red, trying to find his creator, and to find his calling in life. Encountering enemies and exploring the dungeon, Red has a long adventure ahead of him.

Red’s Dungeon is an endless runner that has been inspired by the likes of early platformers like Sonic The Hedgehog or Super Mario Bros. With its simple design of the characters,background elements, and health, my game’s style is consistent.

For my game, I have many goals but so little time. My main goals to:

  • Implement the power ups
  • Add another type of enemy
  • Add Obstacle (Spikes or Hole in the ground)
  • Add more detail to the background. (Add Windows or Portraits maybe)
Rewards and Power Ups
Obstacles and Enemies
Background Concpet

