Great Scenery Elements for my game

Fantastic Heavens
MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readNov 15, 2018

Scenery Elements for my game.
For my game, I plan to have the mains setting take place in a grand castle. Basically a giant castle that contains smaller castles within it. These smaller castles can been seen in the background during gameplay. There will also be other scenic elements that greatly define the setting.

Background Element:

This is an example of a smaller castle that players can see in the background during gameplay.

Foreground Element:

These torches will be seen placed around on top of platforms.


This will be the design of the platform that the character will stand on.

Extra Scenic Elements

Lastly, these two elements will be added to the game to greatly define the setting to the player. To the left, the lantern can be seen sometimes hanging from underneath the platforms. To the right, smoke clouds will be seen up in the sky.

