MEA 300 Assignment 2: Character Designs

MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readSep 13, 2018

I’m all for video games that operate as platforms for education, awareness, and/or change. The concepts I have for the game I’ll be making involve playing as a certain endangered creature. The goal of the game will be survival. Each of these animals faces different obstacles and rewards tailored to their real-life challenges and lifestyles. For example, a sea turtle has to avoid eating plastic waste and be wary of predators, a bee has to collect pollen for its honey and be wary of flowers with pesticide, and elephants and polar bears must find enough food in ever-dwindling habitats. So far, I’ve started animating the bee, but each of these creatures and their stories is important and would be exciting to play in a game.

I decided upon the bee for my sprite sheets.

Idle Bee sprite sheet
Running Bee sprite sheet
Jumping Bee sprite sheet

