Obstacles for my game.

Fantastic Heavens
MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readNov 15, 2018

The obstacles in this game will have Goblins serve as the enemies and several traps that the player has to avoid.

Types of Goblins:

There are three types of goblins that will damage the player when met in contact. Keep in mind that the player will have get to have three lives before it is game over. Here are the Goblins.

These goblins will attempt to move towards you across the platforms. They will fall down when they reach the end.
This type of Goblin will stand his ground and will not move an inch.
This type of elf is capable of flying and moving within the air.


There are two types of trapes that will challenge the player as they progress through the level. Here they are:

The spike obstacle will serve as lethal terrain once stepped on.
The spike trap will exist only inside the castle and will challenge the players progress.

