The Frustrating Syobon Action Game

Robert Garcia
MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readOct 5, 2017

If you have played the classic Mario and enjoyed it’s simple but difficult gameplay, be prepared to just get thrown off. Similar to Mario, it starts and plays the same run towards the right dodging enemies and gaps.

You play as the Cat ready for victory.

with simple aesthetics to distinguish what is a platform, what can be reward and who is the enemy. But as you start your journey towards the right, Bang.

The mind boggling adventure. The Question block avoided the Cat when he jumped for it.

The block completely avoided me. The game plays the player and the player finds it almost impossible to win. Of course there is always a way to win.

Even the deaths confused me. You start with two lives but once you past zero lives you enter the negative lives.

Here I Reached -4 lives.

Syobon Action Completely frustrates the player with spontaneous surprises and an unpredictable environment. The player would begin to question every block of the game, and either give up or be driven to beat the level, but that's the first level.

Syobon Action throws out all the rules of iconography and confuses the player into frustration and questioning. But in all honesty I found the game fun and challenging, for anything can happen, but how can you know unless you touch the block.



Robert Garcia
MEA 300: Game Design

Hispanic artist who enjoys a ton of research and ideas. A Blog space for Art, Animation, History, Mythos, and other interesting aspects of art and history.