The Game Genre of the 2D fighter.

Robert Garcia
MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readOct 31, 2017

Among the genres out there: Role-Playing Game, First-Person shooter, Horror, Strategic, Fighting, etc.; games have expanded to over hundreds of genres making it difficult to even have a favorite or possibly know exactly what your favorite is.

As for one of my favorites, it has to be the Fighting genre, and Specifically the 2-D Fighter. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Marvel Vs Capcom, Skullgirls, and Super Smash Bros. have really left a dent in me.

Game Title: Skullgirls Encore

With every fighter unique and in its own style, the fighter always drew me closer with just the external mechanic, the social aspect of it. It may not go along with you, but the competition between friends and rivals fires me up to play for countless hours and forget what time it is. Bashing buttons and getting riled up after a loss. Heck, even watching the fight makes me excited sometimes.

Fighters have to be my favorite for the intricate character design, background stories of those characters, and the resonating personality of each of those characters.

Fighting are awesome and they often, like Mario Kart, rip friendships to pieces, but by the end of the night everyone is probably closer or still upset you destroyed them in Super Smash Bros.



Robert Garcia
MEA 300: Game Design

Hispanic artist who enjoys a ton of research and ideas. A Blog space for Art, Animation, History, Mythos, and other interesting aspects of art and history.