Video Game Character and how it fits into Realism

Allan Ng
MEA 300: Game Design
1 min readDec 19, 2017

I don’t have a specific video game character in mind, but in most RPGs there are specific roles such as: warrior, mage, healer, rogue, etc. These are generalized characters that we see in a cartoon spectrum and there are many of them. We identify these roles in games and they can further be split into even more general categories such as DPS, tank, support. The realism factor comes in when we can customize how the characters look. The more customization the game has to offer, the more realistic a player can get.

In a game I’ve played for a long time, Warframe. The end game goal that the community in the game has created is individuality of their specific Warframes (suit of armor of sort). The game offers a vast amount of customization in terms of accessories and colors, allowing people to have completely different character looks than others.

The cartoon spectrum is the barebones characters that we can play and the realism is when we can customize those characters to be our own. To have our identity in the game where many people play the same class as you, but look completely different from one another.

