Video Game History

Allan Ng
MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readDec 19, 2017

Video games started as pixelated simple single player games and eventually has become a multiplayer, high res and smooth game in today’s age.

Games started with massive machines and the variety of the games were available was almost none existent. As technology improved, so did games. With faster machinery games can be made more complicated and have more processing power to allow better visuals. You can compare games like half-life made by valve, which at the time was revolutionary. There are memes still going around about half-life after such a long time. But if you compare the visuals of half-life to what we have now like crysis there is a massive difference. The quality of the visuals are so much more realistic now than they were just 20 years ago.

With technology getting better and better, machines got lighter and lighter. Back then, a computer would be massive and you can’t even move them. Now we have lightweight consoles like the playstation and even computers can be made super lightweight. Along with being more lightweight and faster, the prices are also super cheap compared to the old days. The best of the best consoles back then would cost 500 dollars in today’s exchange rate just for the atari console. Although revolutionary, I don’t think it was feasible to spend that amount of money for an Atari back then with it’s price and limited games.

Video games have made a huge leap in quality because of technology. Video games are likely going to continue the trend of getting better and better as technology gets better as well. With better computer parts, come more processing power and with that comes more and more mechanics that can be made that previously couldn’t be processed fast enough because of limited power.

