Video Games and Technology

Jaron Scotland
MEA 300: Game Design
1 min readNov 15, 2017

For as long as computers existed so to have video games. The purpose of these games was originally to test the capabilities of computer technology but as time progressed and technology became more accessible, video games became a regular pass-time for the everyday individual.

Whenever technology made a leap it opened up the possibilities for greater game features. Games like Pacman and Pong were amazing for their time period, but today are seen as antiques. This is because technology in the modern day has opened up avenues of game design that previously could not be explored.

Executing a drake in Middle Earth: Shadow of War.

With the emergence of better computer technology we now have what seems to be the cream of the crop in terms of mechanics and graphics. But in the next decade these to will be trumped as the march of technology continues.

