What is a Game

Clara Fairbanks
MEA 300: Game Design
2 min readSep 19, 2017

What is a game? Hmmm, what IS a game? A game is not work, although work might be played as a game. A game is not a higher pursuit, although lofty ambitions may be pursued in play. Unlike much of life, a game has rules, it may be won or lost definitively. A game exists in a containted environment, an augmented simulation of a micro-reality.

I submit the true attraction of a game is to offer a player the opportunity to immerse her self into this augmented simulation — to experience a world alternate to the one she wakes up in. A world with concrete structure, and known risks and rewards. I posit further that a game is, at best, a simplified simulation of life with a set of hypothetically obtainable objectives. A game may elicit emotions of great success or failure, but always offer the promise of improvement and the opportunity to try again and again.

Lets take, for example, a simple game - tic-tac-toe. We have a minimal set of rules: You may mark territory any where on the board that has not been marked; If you form a monopoly on territory by creating three consecutive marks, you win the board; If you’re opponent succeeds in forming a monopoly first, you have lost the board; If you both successfully prevent one another from taking the board, there is a draw. While the game may not be engaging for long, it excites both a sense of cunning and the promise of power within the small universe of tic-tac-toe. It fulfills a sense of achievement, and satisfies a human instinct to solve. These pursuits are much more difficult to access and measure in the full spectrum of life.

So what is a game? A game is nothing less than a minified life. A wedge of our journey from beginning to end that may be executed again and again until perfection is effectuated. What more promise could we ask from any avocation.



Clara Fairbanks
MEA 300: Game Design

fashion illustrator, software engineer, AR specialist. Following me may result in longer legs and shinier hair