Slacker excuses for not whipping up a home cooked meal?

Nimisha Bhardwaj
Mealby Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2016

It's 4 o’clock in the afternoon, you’re enjoying that last cup of tea/coffee and work is beginning to slow down, when the big question hits you…. What do I make for dinner tonight?

As a working mother I know how important it is to serve a fresh home cooked meal everyday but honestly speaking, juggling a full time job with a child seems like a herculean task. Now don’t judge me for being honest, but I am sure there are many mothers’ like me who wish they had a genie in the bottle that would make a customized warm, delicious feast appear at every meal hour. Plus catering to everyone’s likes and dislikes at the end of the day is another task while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is not an option.

Nonetheless, for those beleaguered mothers (and fathers!), we have listed our favorite ‘excuses’ (again don’t judge me!!) for not wanting to cook and opting for an easy take away or dinner outside:

· Don’t have the time:

Research says that people who work more than 35 hours outside the house tend to cook lesser meals at home (even though they would spend the same amount of time in front of the television)

· Long commute time:

With longer commute time people tend to grab a snack on the road and then as it gets too late to cook they prefer to just pick up food on the way which would save them some time at home.

· Easy accessibility to various food options:

With the various cuisines available at the click of a button, human effort and stress (yes it is stress if you have to cook at the end of a long tiring day) of cooking a meal is easy to scrap.

· Don’t have all the ingredients:

A very valid point as the dish would not taste as good if one of the ingredients is missing.

· I am tired today:

Everyone has these days at least once a week when they need to get away from the daily grind of working, laundry, cleaning etc.

· Convenience over effort:

With easy ‘take away food’ options available at every street, we (lazy) humans are inclined towards taking the easy way out and opt for a ready meal.

· Don’t feel like doing the dishes or cleaning:

Don’t we all have days like this? Reminds me of the Bruno Mars’ song ‘Today I don’t feel like doing anything’.

For many people like me if the comfort, joy and security of a home cooked meal could be combined with easy accessibility and availability, it would be the perfect solution to our everyday woes of getting a delicious, nutritious and economical home cooked meal on the table.

Thankfully for lazy bones like me Mealby has the perfect solution: a marketplace to connect you with passionate Home Chefs in your neighborhood willing to prepare fresh, delicious and unique homemade food for you to pick-up from their kitchen just before going to work or available for delivery within specific postcodes.

See what offers are available today in your neighborhood

