New: Grocery list improvements

Jeffrey Bunn
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2018

Grocery shopping is a core part of the Mealime experience, and we’re always thinking about how to make it better. Based on user feedback and data on how people are using the Mealime grocery list, we’ve made several changes that make using the Mealime grocery list faster and more delightful. We hope you agree!

1. Auto-sectioning of user-created items

Previously, when you added your own grocery list items, they went into the category “Your Items”. From there, you had to tap several times in order to move it to the proper category. When adding many items, this process quickly became tiresome.

Using the Mealime grocery list for only your Mealime items is good, but not great. It makes much more sense to be able to use one grocery list for everything you need to pick up from the grocery store. Automatically adding new items to the proper section is an important step in this direction.

We dug into the 3,000 most common items people add, and manually associated them with the proper category. Now, when you add a new item we’ll automatically move it to the proper category and let you know which one we added it to.

Here’s an example for apples. It was automatically added to the Produce section.

2. Auto-completion of user-created items

Let’s face it, typing on a touch screen is never a great experience. It’s easy to make mistakes, which makes the whole process more time consuming than it should be. We sought to solve this by showing the grocery list items we think you’re trying to add while you’re typing. Here’s what this looks like:

Just like Search in the meal planner, we hope this will allow you to add new items faster and more accurately.

3. Longer ingredient names

This is a simple yet powerful change. Many users reached out and told us that our restriction on ingredient name length caused them to be unable to add the grocery list items they wanted. We’ve extended the ingredient name size, giving you plenty of room to add descriptive items.

This item was automatically categorized into Other, as seen below:

Please download the latest version of the app from the App Store / Google Play to get all of these grocery list improvements!

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Mealime is a top-rated meal planning app available on iOS and Android that will makes your busy weeknights so much easier. It’s free and easy to use; we think you’ll love it! :)

