Busyness Gives Me Purpose

Is doing more doing less?

2 min readFeb 19, 2014

Lately I have discovered that busyness gives me purpose. I look at my life and I find that when I am busy, no matter what I am doing, I feel that I have purpose. It is a funny, contradictory thing because some days I feel so busy and all I “think” I want is to go home and chill on the couch and watch tv. When I get these days off from busyness though, I feel unproductive, unless I am busy.

For me, I am a dreamer, a goal setter, a doer. I want to do so much in this world. It is a balancing act though, because only in the moments of not doing so much can I actually do those dreams. For example, today, I woke up and read the bible, ate my breakfast, listened to comedians on pandora, checked e-mails, and decided to write this blog. I will then go to yoga, come home and make lunch, get dressed for the day, have a little free time, go to work at my job until 7pm, and then have more free time. One can see that this day is pretty jam packed already, and while I do these things I will feel that I have purpose, but the tricky part is managing the free time.

For me, I am an extrovert. I get energy from being around people, so the free time is something that I need to work on putting those dreams, goals, and things that I want to do into action. I can easily turn that free time into cleaning my apartment or checking social media or many other things.

Yoga has been so helpful to my busy mindset. It has helped me just be in the moment, to be where I am on the mat. It has helped me be okay with silence and studying myself. I guess you could say, that is how I came to this discovery that busyness gives me purpose.

I want to make sure that doing more and being busy in my life equals going toward more of my dreams. I am not lazy, that is for sure, but I have realized that doing less can actually be doing more. I would love to hear your feedback on this topic. Tweet us @_lifepoints




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