Meet Meaning 2017's guest director…

author and futurologist Mark Stevenson

Meaning conference team
5 min readJun 13, 2017


Mark Stevenson, author, futurist and Meaning 2017’s guest director & host

In these volatile times, our 2017 guest director Mark Stevenson will bring a sense of inventive possibility to the Meaning community; reminding us that we stand at new horizons for systems change, and inviting us to take bold steps forward.

We’ve felt a deep affinity with Mark since his appearance at Meaning 2014 and know that ours is a shared mission — the celebration of mavericks and pioneers in all the industries that most urgently need disrupting. This year, he’ll be joining us on a journey of discovery into the world’s best rebellions against the status quo; and asking how we can create a future that is more sustainable, humane and just.

Mark is an author, entrepreneur and futurologist on a journey of global disruption and sheer optimism. His latest book We Do Things Differently has taken him around four continents in search of the rebels who are out there transforming communities; proving that meaningful change is possible in vital industries such as energy, health and education. In line with Meaning’s own mission, Mark is passionate about opening the eyes of government and big business to the future; and showing them where the world’s best innovators are already years ahead of their time.

One such innovator is Carl Jarvis, the headteacher who presided over the record turnaround of Hartsholme Academy in Lincoln; now ‘the UK’s most innovative primary school’.

Carl Jarvis, headteacher of Hartsholme Academy

Originally an entrepreneur, Carl joined the failing school in 2008 and was able to raise its Ofsted level to “outstanding” within just four years — all without changing a single member of staff. The school now stands as an example of how bold thinking can create dramatic change at a time of crisis; especially when inspired by a culture of ‘respect, empowerment and belief’. As a sense of great anxiety builds in the UK education sector, Carl will join us at Meaning to share the urgent need for immersive, collaborative and purpose-driven learning.

We’ll also be welcoming Jurriën Mentink, who’ll bring the story of a world-leading innovation in social care to the Meaning stage. Jurriën is a resident of Humanitas, a Dutch care home offering free accommodation to young people in exchange for time spent with its older residents.

Jurriën Mentink, resident of Humanitas

Beyond just a practical solution to the challenges of housing and social care, Humanitas gives us an alternative vision of society’s usual structures and expectations. Sharing Jurriën’s experiences will help us frame a wider question — how can we create a future where every one of us is empowered to contribute and learn from each other?

Our guest Kyra Maya Phillips will be asking just this question; and arguing that the boldest innovators aren’t found in corporate boardrooms or funky tech start-ups, but in the street markets, prisons and refugee camps of the world. She celebrates these individuals in her book, The Misfit Economy (2015), where she and co-author Alexa Clay show us the brave people who will thrive in the business world of the future.

Kyra Maya Phillips, co-author of The Misfit Economy

At Meaning, she will share stories of rebels, mavericks, refugees and pirates; and demonstrate that leadership sometimes comes from the places you least expect it.

Another leading voice in finding new ways to live and work is Kate Beecroft, who will be joining us all the way from New Zealand with the story of her freelancer co-operative, Enspiral. At a time when the “gig economy” is shaping the world of work for far too many people, Kate will explain how Enspiral empowers autonomous workers to create an alternative; through democratic networks, skill-sharing and collaboration.

Kate Beecroft, co-founder of Enspiral

Drawing on ideals and ethics held dear by the Meaning community, Kate suggests that facing the future as a freelancer can be both empowering and community-focussed.

We’re very excited to be welcoming Tessa Wernink, who will bring us the inside story behind Fairphone — an electronics social enterprise with its roots in a public awareness campaign about conflict materials.

Tessa Wernink, co-founder of Fairphone

Fairphone’s movement for a fairer electronics began in 2013, combining entrepreneurial vision and social impact in an ethical product that is also more repairable and upgradable than its mainstream competitors. Like every company invited to the Meaning stage, Fairphone is bold and clever enough to challenge one of the world’s biggest industries and show them how they can do things better.

Mark Stevenson’s own highlight this year will be none other than Vinay Gupta, the esteemed ‘global resilience guru’ whose ground-breaking Hexayurt technology that we heard about at Meaning 2012 looks set to revolutionise the housing market.

Vinay Gupta, global resilience guru

Also one of the world’s leading theorists of blockchain; Vinay’s arguments for cutting out the middle-man suggest that logistics is becoming one of the most exciting areas for systems change yet. At Meaning 2017, Vinay will build on ideas like the Internet of Agreements to show us how technology can be used to disrupt the complacency of today’s big business and enable justice, commerce and travel across borders.

With Mark Stevenson as guest director, and our workshop schedule bigger and more adventurous than ever before, we are looking forward to an event where ‘networking’ isn’t seeking the biggest influencer in the room; but real, live ‘serendipity engineering’ — finding the one person who might just hold the other half of that idea you’ve been seeking.

Get your tickets now!

Meaning is the annual gathering for people who believe business can and must be a force for positive change in our dynamic and volatile world.

At Meaning you’ll learn from the pioneers from the edges, who are driving change at the heart of business. And you’ll connect with like-minded peers who want to be part of the solution to the challenges of our time.

The next edition is happening on 16 November 2017 in Brighton, UK. Visit the website for tickets. And follow us on Twitter for more news and annoucements.



Meaning conference team

The annual gathering for people who believe in better business |14 Nov 2019 — Brighton UK l