Your invitation to organise a Meaning 2017 Fringe event…

Help us add more value to the Meaning experience.

Meaning conference team
2 min readMay 22, 2017


On 16 November 500+ people will gather for a day of curated talks and workshops (and a really good lunch) at the Brighton Dome. That’s 500+ people who are passionate about the future of business and its impact on our society. All in one place. Just for one day.

We think that’s a wasted opportunity.

As a small team we don’t have the capacity to organise more than a one-day event. But we reckon that there are loads of smart, creative and capable people within the Meaning community who might. So this is an invitation. An invitation to help make the Meaning experience even more valuable and even more fun.

We’re looking for you to create your own events on the days and evenings either side of Meaning that will complement the core one-day conference. (Or schedule an already planned event to coincide with Meaning.) These events might be workshops, open spaces, panel debates, pub meet-ups, midnight swims or runs along the seafront. The purpose of them all should be to create more opportunities for connection, inspiration, challenge, learning, action, joy and fun around the central theme of better business.

How it works (in theory — we haven’t done it like this before)

  • You independently plan, schedule, promote and ticket your event (it can be free or paid, it doesn’t matter to us, we’re not looking for a cut).
  • You submit your event for the Meaning Fringe line-up by filling in this form.
  • We check your event fits the tone and quality of the rest of Meaning Fringe.
  • We include your event on the newly created Fringe section on the Meaning 2017 website and help spread the word via social and email channels.

We’re excited to see this come to life and hope you are too. If you have feedback or would like to discuss ideas before submitting them please do get in touch with our event director Louise Ash via

Let’s turn Brighton into an exciting smörgåsbord of progressive business events and activity this November!

Meaning is the annual gathering for people who believe business can and must be a force for positive change in our dynamic and volatile world.

At Meaning you’ll learn from the pioneers from the edges, who are driving change at the heart of business. And you’ll connect with like-minded peers who want to be part of the solution to the challenges of our time.

The next edition is happening on 16 November 2017 in Brighton, UK. New website and news coming soon. Meanwhile follow us on Twitter.



Meaning conference team

The annual gathering for people who believe in better business |14 Nov 2019 — Brighton UK l