
Scott Robinson
Meaningful Shapes
Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2014

An extract from Meaningful Shapes, by Scott Robinson

“Prayer, meditation, ritual arts and dreams awaken remembrances of the hidden side from which all things come, which they carry within them, to which they return. The navajo sing of how the first human beings emerged from the womb of Earth at the Rim of Emergence. The songs transform the womb-shaped navajo dwelling, it’s single opening towards the east where the sun rises, into the primordial womb of Emergence.”

The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images, The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism.

What have you leant from this experience of reflection? What has emerged? What may emerge? How does this re-information inform your future experiences?



Scott Robinson
Meaningful Shapes

Currently talking about Containers, Embodiment and Imagination. Consultant, Designer and Entrepreneur interested in ‘Moving Meaning’ in himself and others.